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Yep, a book. No joke. A book is moving towards us.

"Like seriously, that the fuck?!"

All of us just silently watch it get closer and closer. Finally it stops right at Lloyd's feet, dropping to the side to reveal Pythor.

"Oh, that makes way more since!" I say

The little snake is riding the swamp rat, holding Clouse's spell book above his head.

"Still pretty weird though." Nya says bewilderedly

"I'm glad I was able to find you. I have something that should help." Pythor says

"How did you escape from Chen?" Lloyd asks

"Chen and his wanna be Anacondrai warriors were too distracted with the battle and the explosion to even notice me leaving, aboard my trusty steed, Rodrigo." He says patting the rats head, "Chen left the spell book unaccompanied and I was able to find something to help out a stop to this."

All of us around each other, wondering if we should trust him. He obviously knew exactly what we were thinking.

"You can trust me. If anyone is going to take over this world, I'd rather it be me."

"Not sure that's reassuring..." Lloyd says slowly

"Oh, come on, what've you got to lose?"

I nod simply, "he's right. We literally have nothing to lose."

Pythor gets off the rat and starts flipping to a certain page. I look over my shoulder to see the battle recommencing, elemental fighters forming their dragons. Some staging near the ground to fight the snakes down below, while some take to the sky to fight off the jets.

Chen's with the army now, I'm pretty sure I see Skyler going over to face him herself. Hopefully, she can break the staff.

The elements resume, but amplified now. Bigger fireballs, larger earthquakes, strength twice as powerful.

Master of Invisibilities dragon could disappear as well. So it was unsettling for the serpents when an enormous dragon was suddenly behind them.

He finally stops on a spell and shows us. It's a growth spell.

"What?!" Lloyd and I shout together

"Your idea is for us to make you bigger?!" I exasperate

"Do you see what's happing?" Dad asks, "this isn't about you. Making you big solves nothing."

Pythor scoffs, "that's not it. The power of a true Anacondrai can withstand them. I can be of use to you."

Uncle Wu shakes his head, "they've crossed the line of no return. I don't know if any amount of power can this now."

"Not to mention you'd be outnumbered 10 to 1." Nya groans out. It makes me glance at her. I can tell she's still in pain, but doing way better than she was, Lloyd's golden orbs still restoring her.

Pythor shakes his head, rolling his eyes, then flips to another page. I quickly read over the spell, it's a banishment spell, but it also says something about taking someone's place. The font gets smaller after that, so it's hard to see all of it. Plus I stop reading as Pythor continues.

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