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We crash down in the middle of the snake army. Falling pieces of metal scatter around the room as well. The fall would've been bad if I hadn't had landed on 2 serpents. It's a gross feeling, but better than the floor.

The room is filled with groans and gasps, people just trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

I glance to my left and see Lloyd was lucky enough to have a softer landing than the cement floor as well, even managing to smack Chen on the way down too.


But unfortunately for us, the snakes figure out what happened pretty quick and some more grab ahold of Lloyd and I. So we're immediately held hostage once again. Snakes grab both of my arms in a too tight hold, kinda painfully because the cuffs are still holding my wrists together, so it's pulling in a weird way. They haul me to my feet, the same thing happens to my brother as well.

"Lloyd? Lindsey?" Chen says shocked, probably a little bit angry, but ultimately relieved that we're still here. Eyezore helps Chen stand up and then we're finally face to face with the crazy wanna be snake leader.

"Oh, lucky lucky me! I was worried that we wouldn't be able to complete the spell." He says with a fake sad tone... and trying to make his eyes bigger?

"Is he trying to give us puppy eyes?!"



"I'm gonna puke!"

The door bursts open again and 2 more snakes run in.

"Master, we know what happened!"

"The twins must've escaped through the vents!"

Even I can't help but join in with the groan and eye roll with the other serpents at Kapow and Chope.

"Idiots!" Chen yells, then he gestures to Lloyd and I, then waves spastically at the broken vents up above, "I can obviously see that!"

The 2 snakes look sheepish at each other and duck their heads a little bit.

Chen shakes his head, but resumes his excited expression, "well, at least my plan can commence. And now that we have Pythor, we can get started!"

I glance over to see Pythor still running in continuous circles from the rat. The tube connected to the snake is still drawing the purple liquid.

The snakes holding my twin and I lead us over to the other side of the room. There's 2 big arm chairs, but the kind that you'd see in a hospital or something, not the kind you can relax in.

We're both sitting in the chairs with cuffs around our wrists to hold us in place. They must also be made of vengestone too because I still can't use my powers.

"Yep, definitely not the kind you can relax in."

Chen's ordering his army around. One flipping through Clouse's spell book, looking for a specific page. 2 more are extract the snake essence from the vile, putting it into a couple of syringes.

"Oh, I really don't like this!"

"You're not turning us into snakes, Chen." Lloyd says, struggling against the restraints

He shrugs, "you're right, I'm not. This isn't a transformation spell." He says, glancing over the page in the spell book, then looks to us with a menacing sneer, "this is a... a controlling spell I guess you could say."

"What does that mean?" I snap, pulling my wrists up as well.

"This spell combined with the essence of an Anacondrai will corrupt more so than transform you. You'll have the strength and speed of an Anacondrai, just not the look... well I don't think, but we won't know for sure until the spell is complete." He says simply with a shrug, "but the best part is, this spell will give me the ability to control you and by default, your powers as well."

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