United States News ( and some news you might want to hear)

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Hey, people, I'm back and feel free to read and comment, I like to hear what you people think and any other news you have to share.


• The CDC calculates a forecast for about 321,000 U.S. Corona virus related Deaths by December 19th.

• some kid created a budget tracker that traces where government funds for Corona virus goes.

• during the last 4 years, the rest of the world, kind of figured out we can't rely on the United states. Every 4 years, shit can just get crazy. So they have already started working around the United states with there economys. Their trade agreements and who they are trading with. What they are treating and the amount they are trading. It is already starting to change in a way that kind of excludes the United states. And that is one of the most damaging things that Trump has done to the United states. It was ruining our reputation in the international trade and stage as a whole. Our personal reputation was already shit, but our economic representation remember it is a United states dollar that that is the standard currency. But that does not have to be true moving forward, and there are discussions going on about what's gonna happen in the future. The rest of the world left us in the dust a long time ago, and now we're just starting to realize that....

• if you're having a bad day, just remember, Trump is watching Bidens inaugural stage being built on the White House is a North lawn for the next 59 days.

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