Why the GOP is against DC statehood

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DC as the 51st state, means two blue Senate seats, and Republicans are worried about never regaining control the Senate.

Here it is, in their own words

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell gave an interview, calling DC statehood "full bore socialism" because it would give us 2 democratic senators.

Senator Lindsey Graham's own website says he opposes DC statehood on the grounds that it would "dilute South Carolina's influence" in the Senate.

I'll going senator Martha McSally gave an interview stating that if DC became a state, Republicans would never win the Senate back.

Those are only a few quick examples, but I really wanted to get to the big one Trump openly admitting that he would not consider a DC statehood because of Senate seats

Republicans are even trying to prevent this legislatively rep. Mark Walker introduced a bill to limit Senate seats to 100. And then wrote an po-ed in the hill, openly admitting that it was because he didn't want DC to get Senate seats.

All of this to say there are 700,000 Americans in DC, you who do not have voting representation in the Senate.

It is not a power play by Democrats, it is a power preservation effort by Republicans.

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