Chapter 23

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The new fighter was punching and kicking the air as he stopped and gave a smile to his opponents.

??? - Would you look at me I'm setting records.

Mirko smirked as Hawks and Edgeshot were confused on what happened.

RG - Oh my it seems both of those boys did fusion.

The fighter saw how the confusion gave him an opening as he smiled.

??? - They dropped their guard great. (grunts)

He sent a strong push of wind pushing away Hawks and Edgeshot causing them to crash on a mountain as Mirko was shocked of the power with just a push of wind her teammates were blown away like nothing.

??? - Yo Mirko I wanted to ask. What do you call a Vegeta and a Goku? Vegito sounds alright. I was a little worried about the two of us sharing a body but it looks like it came out pretty good.

Mirko - I guess this would work better. I was getting bored now I hope you can put your money where your mouth is.

Vegito smirked as he gave her a sign to come at him and both charged at each other as she tried to land a kick but Vegito dodged and kicked her face and kneed her stomach causing her to crash to the ground.

Out of nowhere Vegito's arm was caught in what looks like cloth as it started pulling him in circles then throwing him to the ground as well.

Mirko - Took you long enough.

Edgeshot - All talk I see.

Mirko - No he's got plenty of bark. Hey hurry up remember time isn't in your favor since you have 15 minutes left.

The ground shook as out of the rubble came out a smiling Vegito who didn't have a single scratch on him. He started stretching his arms and his neck. After his warm up he flew to them as he looked at his enemies.

Vegito - Thanks for the warm up also that was a good shot that one really got the blood flowing. You mind throwing me another? Sorry about this but the body's rather new.

Mirko - Don't start getting cocky because we still have the advantage.

Vegito - Yeah you tell yourself that.

Vegito got in a stance as did Mirko with Edgeshot ready to fight back.

In an instant Vegito disappeared and reappeared in front of Edgeshot and Edgeshot prepared for the attack but Vegito aimed his punch towards Edgeshot but he kicked Mirko from his side and then grabbed Edgeshot and slammed him to Mirko. Both fell to the ground but Mirko decided to talk.

Mirko - Damn what's your head made of?

Vegito - Hey so your just gonna stay in hiding?

Vegito dodged a few feathers as he blasted to his right and burned several other feathers. Hawks eyes widen as he was found from Vegito and he sped towards him trying to land a blow but Vegito grabbed his arm and punched his gut and landed a hard kick to his face knocking him out in the process.

Vegito - That was boring. I'm not even trying.

Vegito noticed a timer that said 10 minutes. He quickly got ready to end this as he powered up and he decided to power up and use a Kaioken times 2.

Vegito - Let's end this already! It was kinda fun but now it's over.

Mirko tried to move but she couldn't as she noticed that Edgeshot was also knocked out. Mirko stood up and was already tired but she didn't gave up.

Vegito - This is it!

Vegito aura exploded as it covered his right fist and he instantly flew towards Mirko ready to finish her off. Mirko was amazed of his power and proud of both of them as she closed her eyes but nothing came as she felt herself being pulled in fast speeds. She saw that Vegito grabbed her from her arm with Edgeshot and Hawks cuffed together.

Vegito grabbed one more cuff and cuffed Mirko while stepping outside of the gate. The alarm sounded and everyone was memorized of the power and ability displayed from Vegito. Some of the girls couldn't even stop staring at Vegito

Mina - Man he's quite hot~

Bot - Yajin Hidashi and Lucas Daizo have passed their finals.

Vegito - Alright! Now I how do I defuse? Is it time limit? or........

Mirko - Is it permanent?

Vegito just stood there shocked thinking how awkward it was gonna be explaining this to his moms.

Power-Loader - Oh you just have to press the middle button on the band 2 times.

Vegito - Okay.

He pressed it and a little small light shined and out Yajin and Daizo appeared as both sighed not wanting to deal with their moms angry face if they stayed fused.

Yajin - Thanks again Power-Loader for the bands. They were real help.

Izuku - Your fight was awesome now I guess it's my turn.

Yajin - Be careful and talk with him.

Izuku nodded as he went to take his exam with Bakugo.

(The fight goes as the same as the anime only Bakugo doesn't hate him, he's just angry at himself.)

The went on as everyone went home some with loss and most with a great discovery of their abilities. While others with happiness of their revelation.

(The next day)

Kaminari was arguing with Izuku about the camp and poked his eyes for him being so positive and naive. But everyone's conversation went away when both Yajin and Daizo crashed in from the window as Yajin face was sliding on the ground.

Yajin - This really burns like shit.

Daizo flew right to Yajin kneeing him on his back. As everyone had their attention to them.

Daizo - Easy bake oven bitch.

Yajin - America's Got Talent Finalist!

Yajin punched him away as before both could continue Aizawa tied them up and both explained their reason for fighting which was who would be better for Batman. Robert Patterson or Scott Adkins.

Aizawa - Obviously Adkins he's good but for being a Long Term Batman Robinson.

Yajin/Daizo - Fine.

Aizawa let them go and they went to their seats as he explained that everyone was going to the summer camp and no one failed the testing but the practical failures will have to attend classes in the camp.

Aizawa - That's all your dismissed.

Yajin went home as he got a message from his mom to come home quickly.

Yajin - Mom?

Azura - Okay honey. Don't worry Akemi isn't here but we got us a gig at I-island! You have 2 shows one at a small cafe for the manager to see and the next is the big one before the opening of the I-Expo.

Yajin was so happy he hugged his mom and then saw a mail for him as he opened it and saw it was tickets to I-Island.

Yajin - Shit.

Azura - I already have the tickets.

Yajin - I'll ask Daizo if he wants them.

He texted him and he got a no for an answer as for some reason he also got an invite as Yajin then realized that Izuku was going with All Might and so he gave the tickets to Bakugo with no questions.

Yajin - I'm so happy what can go wrong.

Ragnarok are you ready?

He walked out and grabbed his mask as the eyes shined and he nodded with a screen showing I-Island.

Ragnarok - Their time of peace is over.

Story continues with My Hero Academia: Falling Hero

Thank you guys I wanted to make this before my busy week of Finals so be sure you guys enjoyed and I'm trying to get my Q&A done since my computer is ass so I'm gonna have to redo everything. But Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Everyone love y'all!

The Saiyan Hero of U.ANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ