Chapter 81

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Kenji slowly started to wake up and looked around, seeing the destroyed village.

Kenji - How awful

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Kenji - How awful. Everything's destroyed.

He stood up but his body was in so much pain that he could barely stand. However he needed to make sure everyone was okay. Especially Yajin since his injuries were the worse of all of them.

He kept walking until he noticed someone. It was...

Kenji - Ms. Kefla!

Akemi - Kid. Thank god your okay?

Kenji - What's going on? Is everyone okay?

Akemi - A few casualties but we have something else.

She held him up as both walked towards a destroyed area and they saw, a body.

Kenji - Is that Gyuro?

Akemi - Yeah.

He was dead on the ground however not by having his head slashed. It seemed that he was able to connect it again but he was dead.


Yajin - RUN NOW!!!!

Gyuro's aura exploded and destroyed the rest of the village and even half of the island. Blades, blast and even just the aura destroyed everything.


The Gaia Phoenix was able to find Yajin's body falling from up high as she flew towards her owner. Landing on his chest, she wrapped herself around his upper body and glowed with Yajin's body glowing as well.

His body started to slowly heat up and his hair started to flicker between red and black. Something lit a fire inside his body as he opened up his eyes and destroyed all of the blades and the rest of the village was safe.

Yajin slowly started to open his eye as he looked around and saw most of the village destroyed but he heard people still alive as he smiled and he could see some movement from the rubble.

Yajin - Gyuro?

Gyuro was still alive as he stood up and he looked at his powers as he seemed angry.

Gyuro - The Gaia...she stopped me. I can't heal this.

Yajin caught his breath as he could still feel the pain of his sliced off eye but he saw how Gyuro was struggling to heal.

Yajin - Gaia must have burned out the shadows from you.'re powerless.

Gyuro rushed towards Yajin as he tackled him and both were falling off the hill as they just kept receiving damage.

They landed on the ground as Yajin tried to catch his breath and from across the area, most of Class A were standing up and they saw Yajin getting up but he wasn't done with the fight.

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