Another Day In Paradise

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Jennifer's POV:


I repeated in my head over and over, hoping that everything that had happened the day before was just a horrible nightmare, and that when I opened my eyes, everything would be back to normal. I would wake up, and see my ceiling, my room, and most importantly-my clothes.

Please please please please please...

I begged, not even knowing who I was talking to.

My eyes slowly cracked open, darkness and light blurring together as I forced myself to open my eyes.


I saw the same boring old white ceiling as the day before. It reminded of being in a white room at an insane asylum.

Maybe it was a sign, because the last time I checked, switching lives with people wasn't exactly #1 on the handy "List of Normal Things to Expect in Life" that my second grade teacher put together for us, because I clearly remembered her writing "puberty" at the top!

I should've known nothing else was different just by feeling these awful sheets, which still bother me to no end.

"Uuuuuugh..." I groaned, flopping the covers off of myself, and trudged over to "The Closet of Doom."

Well, here goes nothing...

I opened the closet and almost cowered back, getting ready to hiss like a vampire in the sunlight.

But I didn't. Instead, I just stood there, getting ready to pick my poison.

I swear, this closet is like my kryptonite. I thought, as I sneered at a flowery pink shirt that said "Mommy's Little Girl" on it.

My eyes... I put it in the very back of the closet, where I would never have to look at it again.

No... No... No... No... I repeated in my head countless times, filing through the clothes, until I just gave up.

Ugh... Screw it. It's not like anyone even cares. I've made such an idiot of myself in front of Scott... Not to mention the whole school. He must think I'm an insane now!

I sighed, ran my fingers through my tangled blonde hair, and my eyes wandered to a simple white blouse, some flip-flops, and a long below-the-knee-length skirt that covered way more skin than I was comfortable with not showing!

I grabbed the clothes, and held the skirt and top in both of my hands, looking at them, until I finally couldn't take it anymore and just let my head fall on the closet door with a thud.

"Ow." I whimpered, self-afflicted pain running through my body.

For a moment, I didn't care that I was awkwardly standing there with my butt sticking out, and I didn't care that I was about to put on clothes that was going to make me look like a homeless hippie person. I really didn't care about anything anymore...

And then I remembered Caroline, who was in my house, wearing my clothes, and flinging herself at my Scott!

I straightened myself out, physically and mentally, and looked at the clothes one more time.

This goes against everything I believe in... I held in all the anger I was feeling inside, hoping I could stay sane.

I took a deep breath, and finally gained the courage to start getting dressed, playing "Let it Go" over and over in my head, which didn't help at all. In fact, I think it only contributed to my downward spiral into certain madness.

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