A Bright Idea

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Jennifer's POV:

First period. I wasn't dreading it as much as I used to. In fact, I was actually looking forward to it out of curiosity.

Pure curiosity. That's it.

Dylan still hadn't told me whatever it is that he was supposed to, and I wanted to know what this plan of his was. I was a little scared knowing Dylan, but that was all part of the excitement I had. If he could keep up his manners for more than two minutes, that is.

I wanted to get there early so he could explain everything, and I could continue to ignore him all the time, except for when I needed someone to sit with at lunch, but I needed to quickly get some stuff from my locker first.

"Um, excuse me?" I put my hand on my hip like I usually did when the guy that had the locker next to me started making out with his girlfriend.

But they didn't budge this time, like they usually did.

"Hello?" I raised my voice. They continued sucking each other's faces off, making gross slurping and moaning noises as they did so.

Do these people have no shame?

"I need to get to my locker!" I shouted, stomping rubber flip flop covered feet over and over again. "Can you hear me?" I jabbed the guy's back with my finger.

They didn't even acknowledge my existence. I hated being ignored more than anything. I hated it even more than these clothes I was wearing. It was a simple gray tank top and Bermuda shorts with the same smelly black flip flops as always, so that said a lot about my feelings on being ignored.

I felt my face growing red with anger, but had nobody to unleash it onto, since my voice meant absolutely nothing lately. So I just stood there, fuming like an idiot.

"Hey. You heard her, man. Get off her locker." a stern pair of familiar blue eyes came to my rescue, pulling the over-hormonal guy off the girl by the back of his flannel shirt.

The guy's face contorted angrily, most likely ready to fight, until he saw that Dylan was quite a bit taller than him.

"Sorry." he glared at me, before pulling his heavily breathing girlfriend off around the corner for another vacuum session.

"You're welcome." he said, looking at his phone instead of my face, where he should be looking when he's talking to someone. It wasn't really surprising, though. He didn't have any manners. I'd lowered my expectations a lot at this point.

"I never thanked you. And I never asked for you to do that in the first place." I turned my lock, quickly cupping it when I saw him looking up from his phone, probably trying to get my combination so he can steal everything in it.

"Well, next time I'll just let you fend for yourself. How does that sound?" he smiled sarcastically.

I actually appreciated what he did. Otherwise I never would have gotten those two away from my locker, but I couldn't let him find out the truth.

That I did need him, whether I wanted to accept that or not.

"I was going to thank you, okay. You're egotisticalness is just so intense." I fiddled with my lock more, groaning in frustration when I got the numbers wrong.

"You were?" he asked doubtingly, folding his arms.

"Yes. I was, believe it or not. I have manners, unlike you." I shielded my lock more the closer he came.

"I have manners," he acted offended. "Oh, and I don't want your locker combination. I don't need to look in there to know you don't have anything worth taking."

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