Shameless Eavesdropper

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Caroline's POV:

The bell rang, meaning lunch was over. I still hadn't gotten over the way Scott blew up and left the cafeteria the way he did, or exactly figured out what it was that he dropped out of his pocket.

I needed to find him and give it back, but I knew that might not have been easy since he could be anywhere in the whole school, and wasn't particularly in a good mood.

If I found him on the way to sixth period, then great, I'd give him his patch thing, and make the exchange as brief as possible. If not, then I'd wait.

At first I thought maybe he needed someone to talk to, and help him with his problems, but now I see that I just need to leave him alone.

I didn't know who set up the students' schedules, but whoever they were, I really would have liked to slap them for making my third and fourth periods on the complete opposite sides of the school. I always barely made it before the bell rang – and that was when I speed-walked.

Unfortunately, I was running late today, and didn't even have time to put my papers and books in my backpack. A freshman wasn't looking where he was going, and slammed into me, making all my books and papers fall onto the floor.

Instead of stopping to help fix the mess he made, the kid panicked, and ran. He probably thought I would rip his head off like Jennifer definitely would have. I can't say I blame the guy when it comes to crossing paths with Jennifer, and all the other people, who just passed by, not wanting to talk to me if they didn't have to when something like this happened.

By the time I picked up all my things, I knew I was doomed for detention, and didnt even bother walking fast. I never liked exercise, anyway.

I think you'll all relate to that painful moment of opening the door after class has already started. Cause let's face it, we've all been there. Some of us less than others, but you get the idea. The teacher stops talking just to glare at you for interrupting, and every pair of eyes at every desk immediately go to you.

Yeah, that moment. Not fun.

I awkwardly walked over to the teacher, already knowing what my punishment would be.

"Detention, Reese." my algebra 2 teacher shook his head, and handed me a slip.

"Right." I ashamedly took the white piece of paper, and exited the room, now having to walk to the office, which was at the center of campus.

Another walk. Great. I thought bitterly.

"What did you tell your teacher?" a familiar, hushed voice asked, coming from around the corner by the bathrooms, where there were no classrooms nearby. It sounded like Josh.

"I said I had to go to the bathroom. So let's make this quick. What did you want to talk to me about?" another familiar voice replied. It sounded like...


"How do I say this... You've been acting real weird, Scott." the person that was definitely Josh said annoyedly.

I stopped when I heard the voices, and leaned against the wall to listen to the conversation around the corner. I normally didn't eavesdrop or really care what other people have to say, but this was Scott. I really cared about him, and if this was the only way to find out what was going on in that head of his, then I'd secretly listen to their conversation, and not lose any sleep over it.

"Okay, why does everybody keep saying that?" Scott asked exasperatedly.

"Because it's true." Josh stated calmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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