Jealous part 2

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Words: 831

Type: fluff (sorry to the ones who wanted smut but more smuts are ahead) 

Warnings: none really just good ol' fluff :) 

Request: none but some of y'all wanted a part two 

Wanda's pov:

I woke up in Nat's arms and I felt good. Like a type of good I can't even explain. I was there enjoying the peace of the morning until friday spoke up. "Miss Maximoff Steve requires that everyone goes to the meeting room." Friday annonced making you groan and causing Nat to woke up. "What's going on" she asked me in a sleppy voice. The old oaf want's everyone in the meeting room" I answered her groggily making her chuckle. "How about you we go there then take a shower and cuddle, we have nothing today we could watch netflix" she proposed me making me smile softly and shake my head yes. 

We were the last one to enter the meeting room but no one seemed suspicious. "We found out someone drew an eye on Fury's eyepatch" Steve say seemingly angry, "He didn't notice until a day after" he continued and everyone tried to remain calm and serious but y/n was really struggling and I didn't had to look in her head to know that she had done it. "This is a picture of the said eyepatch" Steve said and she just exploded in laughter at the sight of her work. The eyepatch was decorated with various kinds of glitters and a weird tribal eye had been drawn on top it wasn't ugly I had to admit but the fact he had a very serious meeting the other day. Steve glared at the newest member of the team who was laughing very hard along with Sam, Tony and even Rhodey. "Y/n!" Steve exclaimed making her double over in laughter falling off her chair laughing even more at her action she had trouble to breathe and was pratically wheezing. "Tony made" she laughed even more clutching her stomach "He made me do it" she finished and without another word there was blue blur and Pietro had picked her up carrying her back to her room giggling at her foolishness. I shook my head in disbelieve and made my way back to Nat's room her hot on my trails. 

We took a shower while listening to a band called Nirvana which I had never heard of and then we got dressed in sweat pants to go back to bed. We sat down but eventually Nat pulled both me and her under the cover and to my surprise cuddled up to me. She softly took the tv remote and opened Netflix to put How I Met Your Mother and we binged watched it all day until it was dark outside we ended up just falling asleep again after snacking a little.

For a week things were going great until one morning we both woke up in the same bed as usual but to the sound of glass shatering against the floor. We both got up hurriedly and dressed up as quickly as we could before going out in the hallway. "Friday were did the sound come from" Nat asked to the AI "From the living room Miss Romanoff y/n has broken a vase" The AI answered her and we both exchanged a look before rushing to the living room. "Sorry" Y/n was trying to explain to Tony what happened but he shook it off "It's ok kid, it happens" he simply answered as Steve got the broken pieces off the floor making sure no one hurt themselves. "No Tony y-you d-don't understand" she said almost tearing up watching her hand in fear. "Friday show him the tapes" She said and a hologram screen appeared showing her in multiple situations using telekinesis and pyrokinesis. "At first I thought it was my imagination but then it got out of hand" She said a tear rolling down her cheek as a light purple surrounded her hands "I thought you only had Pyrokinesis" Bruce said trying to understand "When they experimented on me back at hydra... when they kidnapped me they tested on me and learned me how to control my power by concentrating a lot. So I kind of developped telekinesis but I can't control it properly I-I don't understand." She said sobbing a little and Pietro who was watching quietly came up to her and held her softly I let out a small aw at his action before speaking up. "I can help her" I said and the thickness of my accent even surprised me due to the raw emotions. She smiled weakly at me and nodded and Nat just put her hand on my back smiling at how the team was acting more as a family. 

A/n: This chapter will continue in Nightmares that will have different point of views :) (If any chapter follows another one like Nightmare will, I will warn y'all at the end of it) 

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