The fight

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Words: 1105

Type: not fluff nor smut just a small chapter about Wanda's and y/n's dare. 

Warnings: none except violence and fighting, if that makes you uncomfortable please don't read it please, thank you. 

Request: none

Clint's pov

I was waking up and went in the vents because it's always easier. I passed by Y/n's room and she seemed stressed, through the grid I could see her sitting on the edge of her bed, she ran her hand over her face before getting up and playing some music on her vintage record player. I smiled softly at her actions and her way of coping with stress making a mental note to make sure she was okay later.

I got to the kitchen and I, as every good person started eavesdropping. "Today the girls are going to fight!" Tony's voice rang loudly through the kitchen. "Yeah" Bucky mumbled obviously tired and moody because Cap went running without him. 

I opened the grid to the kitchen and got out silently. 

Bucky's pov

I saw Clint the second he came near the grid but said nothing. The grid was behind Tony and by the grin on Clint's face he was up to no good. 'That's going to be interesting' I told myself as I watch him approach Tony and I got up to wash my now empty mug of coffee and plate. I walked slowly keeping an eye on Clint. After he crept up behind Tony it all went down. 

He scared the hell out of him and the Iron Man spit his coffee all over the table and his news paper. "Oh it IS ON Barton!" Tony said and I thought better to get out of there leaving my dishes in the sink. 

On my way back to my room I heard music play. Not any type of music, 40's music. I got closer to the room the sound was coming from. Y/n. She was playing her music again, I guess she forgot soundproof I thought. 

She lived on the same floor as Cap, Loki, Nat and me. I was about to knock but I didn't want to disturb her so I softly and quietly opened her door coming in the room. It was dark, all the lights were off and she was just there dancing and softly singing. She was wearing a light purple flowy dress. I smiled, she looked like the girls back then, she even had her hair in beautiful neat curls. 

I aproached her gently and placed my metal hand on her hip cringing at the idea of my arm and grabbed her hand with my flesh one twisting her and bringing her close. "I was wondering when you would move Barnes" she said with a cute chuckle and I rolled my eyes as we swayed softly to the music of Harry James. 

"So what's going on with you and Stevie" she asked and I almost choked. 

Y/n's pov

I chuckled at his reaction "It's just the two of you are really cute together and I can see the look in your eyes when you get close to each other." You said looking up at him softly as he put his second hand to your waist helping you jump while turning to end the dance. 

You giggled and gave him a hug before strarting to walk out of the room. "but he's got eyes for Sharon" bucky said quietly doubting his words. "Well that bitch will have to learn to let go of the man" you said tying your hair up quicly. Bucky chuckled obviously knowing about how much you despised the woman. Before getting out of the room, you changed clothes quickly putting something more comfy on.

"Killer Girl!" Tony exclaimed when you came in followed by Buck. "OOOooo!! Someone had fun" Tony said his eyes going from you to Branes quickly and you remebered you were wearing a sport bra and some sport leggings. "They're bruises dumbass" you muttered taking a mug and filling it with hot water. "Wait what" Cap said who had been watching the scene quietly sipping on his coffee. 

"You said you were uninjured coming back from the mission" he said getting up and gently taking your shoulder making you face him. His eyes racked over your body subtily stopping at some places making you blush slightly.  "It's nothing really Steve, look im breathing that's already a huge deal." Loki chuckled leaning against the doorframe. 

"Wellll, isn't there supposed to be a fight?" Tony asked and you sighed as the twins came in. "yes Like the tin man said" Wanda said looking straight at you. (btw in this you did sleep with pietro and Wanda just learned about it and is very unhappy.) "uh oh" you muttered looking at Pietro mouthing the word 'help' before going towards the training room inviting the team to follow. 

Everyone got installed comfortably as you got in the ring followed by a pretty pissed off Wanda who seemed to want to yeet you to the ground. "Alright dude show me what you got" you said to Wanda and she looked at you with something in her eyes you couldn't quite describe, an emotion you had never seen before. And it's at that moment you realized you fucked up and this was going to be bad. 

"I know what you did" she said slowly aproaching you titlting her head as red formed around her fingers and black and purple started surrounding you as you got ready. "He may be a player, but he is my brother." she said as she hit you with a red ball of energy which you blocked. "I trusted you!" she almost yelled tears wielding in her eyes. "I love him Wanda" you muttered and she stopped and looked at you. Obviously she was looking in your mind. "No you don't" she said and you frowned "The fuck" Tony whispered 

"You're a psycopath you hate everyone." she said getting close again.  "Alright look how many times do i have to say this, I'm not a psycopath, I'm a high functionning sociopath geez. And i don't hate everyone, I do love him Wanda maybe even jujst as much as you do." She stepped back. You smirked and she shook her head. You unleashed on her almost knocking her off. She was down on the ground and she tapped two times. You took control of your powers again and ran to her making sure she was okay. 

"Not cool" she said and you chuckled softly "im sorry" you said getting the hair out of her face. "but i meant everything i said."

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