(Pietro x y/n x Peter)

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Words: 2373

Type: smutty fluff (sorry not too much smut in this one too)

Warnings: well obviously bad language and a little bit of smut (oh and this is after civil war but before infinity war so peter is a legal age, but however civil war didn't happen please don't hate me and everyone transfered to the new facility.)

Request: chicky_nuggiez

Friday's pov: 

So you see after civil war everything was a bit out of control but Mr. Stark had Peter brought to the facility after selling the Avengers tower. However since no one really knew Parker he had a hard time trying to make friends and he was one of the youngest so it didn't help him.  *Flashback* Everyone was in the living room. "So everyone this is Peter." Tony said and Peter moved shyly from behind him. "Hi" He simply said looking through the room finding three people around his age and the rest he knew. "wait so you brought a kid here" The falcon said and Stark was quick to rectify him. "No he's a new avenger he will be staying with us and he's already pretty trained and will be operating in some missions." Everyone looked at each other and shrugged "Alright so who is he what can he do" Natasha asked. Peter looked at Tony and Stark gave him a look as everyone watched them confused. "I'm Spider-man" Peter said and instantly Sam huffed. "Sick always thought he was nice welcome!" y/n exclaimed out of the blue. "Okay killer girl you go show him around everyone is dismissed" Tony said and as y/n went to show Peter around the billionaire looked at the team with a threathening look in his dark eyes. "All of you be nice to him"*end of flashback* Peter grew close to Pietro as he was around his age and they were both great friends with y/n but from what I heard were both wishing for more. 

Peter's pov:

"Mr. Stark" I say looking up at the brown haired man "Peter" he replied in the same tone as him. "What are you working on" I ask starting to get bored as I have been in the lab with him for the past hour doing nothing. "I'm working on your new suit" He simply replied and I couldn't help but scoot closer to the computer. "What's wrong?" I say when I see him frown "I'm stuck on your reactors." He says trying to figure out the problem. "Wow ok you took your Mark XLVI armor and modified it to suit the Spider-Man look" I said amazed and he nodded suddenly directing his attention to me "From what I can see you want to make these reactors way smaller than on your suit but just as powerful." I continued examining the 3D plan of the suit. "You could try to keep more micro-RTs so that way it would only power the repulsors but only to be able to fly since it won't be able to take power directly from a type of reactor like you." I say as I take the computer and enter a couple equations as well as modifications. "Where did you learn that kid?" "Actually I have no idea" I answer and he cocks a brow at me but doesn't have time to push any more as y/n enters the lab. "thank god" I mutter under my breath "Yeah my names y/n but I don't mind" she says sending me a wink making blood rush to my cheeks as she chuckles. "Anyways sorry Tony but I'm taking your kid with me and Pietro to train a little." He shrugs as it takes him a moment for him to take in what she said and she quicly grabs my hand and pratically drags me out as he starts to rectify her. 

Y/n's pov:

I giggle as we leave Tony's lab and rush towards the training room. As we run down the halls we stay hand in hand and only seem to notice once we're in front of the doors that lead to the room. Blushing furiously I come in to be greeted by a hush of wind and a blue flash. I giggle as he stops in front of me. "Hi princessa" he says as I walk past him and his hand trail over my exposed waist from my sport bra. I giggle and blush from the sensation but quickly come back to my senses as I walk into the small ring where you would usually spare. You frown when Pietro follows you instead of Peter. "Scared I'm going to hurt you princessa?" he asks with a smirk when he sees your frown. "No actually I spare with Peter because he knows my tactics but this is going to be fun." It was your time to smirk as he looked confused "one simple rule no powers." you say and extand your hand he shakes it and you both get into fighting positions.  He went for a punch and you did your normal thing by twisting it and yourself wrapping your thighs around his neck and making him drop to the ground with a loud thud. You chuckle before getting back up with a red faced Pietro. He cracked his neck and you did the same. You started this time slidding under his legs grabbing one and twisting it making him fall face first and you quickly got on top of him and twisted his arm behind his back and locked it there he groaned. "Still scare of hurting me speedy" you say with a hint of sass in your voice whipping your head back to make your hair in your face go back with rest. "Okay okay not that I mind you being on me but my arm hurt" The sokovian male says his accent flowing thorugh his words. You blush as you realize that you're straddling his waist. You get off him and off of the spare matt. "What already tired?" Pietro asks you and you shake your head "I'm going to go take a shower and relax but I want to see you spare with peter first" you retork and he raises his brow as Peter laughs "I'm down" he simply says "Alright then it's on" Pietro said after him. They both got into fighting positions and you bit your lip at the way they looked into each others eyes. It didn't take long enough that Pietro had pinned Peter and soon enough Peter turnedthe both of them around pinning Pietro's wrists above him smirking. "You two are really cute" you say giggling. "And you three are getting weird" Tony points out from behind you. "You just got here didn't you" you say laughing. He nods "Peter come to the lab with me I want your help for the suit." You chuckle and Tony glares at you "Of course Mr.Stark." he says and you can't help but laugh "Alright what's your problem" Tony snaps and you look at him confused "Oh sorry am I bothering you with my happiness" You retort sarcasm dripping off every word. He looks at you his dark brown eyes staring into yours "alright it's just he still is so formal with you it makes me laugh every time I can't help it" you tell him with a smile as Peter stands there awkwardly. "one day he'll call me Tony I'm sure" he answers you with a smirk before turning around as soon as the doors close behind them you feel two hands on your shoulders. You lean back into Pietro smiling slightly. You turn around and Pietro takes a step forward as you take one backwards he smile at your reaction and after a couple steps you back up into a wall swallowing hard as you do so. He doesn't say a word cuping your chin making you look into these hypnotizing blue eyes. He slowly start to close the gap between the two of you only to stop when his lips are almost touching you could feel his hot breathing on your lips. As you closed your eyes and lean towards him your met by nothing confused you open your eyes to see him smiling at you and you look down embarassed but look back up instantly as he put his hand around your neck softly and pulls you in for a kiss. You relax at the feeling but he breaks it as soon as he initiated it and in a blue flash he's gone and you sigh. You went out of the training room blushing heavily. 

*After your shower*

You put on some shorts, a sports bra and a crop top before making your way to the living room. You sighed as you plopped down on a couch not really caring about Wanda and Nat looking at you. "What" you say once you looked up and the two girls raised their eyebrows. "Ugh why do you two have to read me like a book?" you say with a groan and Scarlet chuckles "It's just pretty obvious that you like them both and both of them like you back" She says he sokovian accent flowing through the air. "The question is who are you going to choose" she finishes and you sigh once more. "I don't know they're both great guys and I don't want to loose my friendship with one for going for the other but at the same time I can't have them both can I" you say and the girls shrug before getting up and you just stared at the ground getting lost in your thoughts. You were interupted when you felt the couch dip beside you and your legs being putt on someones lap. "Hi darling" Peter said with a smile and you blushed he was never so bold. "Hi princessa" Pietro says sitting on your other side. You were still blushing and decided that it was time. "Ok I'm done" you say and before they can say anything else you continue "See I like you both like a lot and a little bird told me you two did too but I can't choose you're both great guys Peter you're a huge dork and Pietro you're cheesy as fuck but I like it. I just don't want to loose my friendship with you both or something and..." you sighed "sorry I'm rambling" you say and looked at the boys Pietro and Peter exchanged a look before nodding. "how about the both of us" Peter says and you frown "We could share you" Pietro add and you let a small smile tug at you're lips. "yeah I'd like that" you say and the boys smile. "Well I'm going to go eat" Peter said with a smile as he walked into the kitchen Pietro came over to you and garabbed you bridal style before bringing you to his room with his super speed. He closed the door before setting you down and pinning you against it. "Happy" he asks with a small smile tugging at his lips and a twinkle of lust in his electric blue eyes. "very" you say before kissing him, one of his hands cupped your jaw as the other went for your waist. As one of yours cupped his cheek and the other got lost in his silver locks. You both pulled away to catch your breaths as you stared into each others eyes. Both of his hands fly down to your thighs and you instinctively jump he carried you to the grey couch in his room and sat down as you straddled him. You hands were back around his neck as his rested against your waist pulling you closer to him. As you were about to kiss the boy again you hear a knock on the door making you both groan. "come in" Pietro says his accent thick and Peter opened the door before coming in and shutting it behind him. "Were you going to start without me?" he asks and you laugh "Just join us" you say and he walks over to you picking you up from Pietro's lap and bringing you to his bed his eyes were clouded with lust as he leaned to kiss you you kissed back and moaned when you felt Pietro attack you neck gently nibbling here and there. Both of the boys pulled away "Are you sure you want to do this" they almost ask at the same time. "yes" you simply answered and Pietro took you shirt off as Peter took his off and soon Pietro did the same. You were gazing at the sight before you but soon got brought back to reality as Peter took your short off and Pietro was now biting down on your collar bone. Peter teased you through the thin fabric of your panties also feeling how wet you already were. And without any warning he pushed them aside draging a finger up your folds collecting your wetness as you let out soft whimpers. He slowly pushed a finger inside you causing you to moan loudly and quickly one finger became two as his other hand kept your hips down. Pietro had made his way to your cleavage taking your bra off in one swift movement before attacking your breasts. He took one in his mouth and circled his tongue around your nipple softly as his other hand grabbed your boob and massaged it gently. You were moaning their names loudly as they kept playing deliciously with your body. "Fuck I'm close" you moan and Pietro leaned in and made out with you before leving a trail of kisses all the way to your ear. "Cum for me princessa" he said his voice powered into a whisper sending shivers down your spine. He nibbled on your ear lobe sending you over ther edge almost screaming. You hearing picked up as you heard shuffling around you as you were still coming down from your high. The boys cleaned you up before cuddling you up between them. You had your head on Pietro's ches cuddling his side as Peter spooned you it didn't take long before you fell asleep having one of the best nights of your life. 

Marvel smut/fluff/one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ