Fake Death pt.1 (Loki)

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Words: 1240

Type: Smut and well just a normal chapter with dares

Warnings: Fake death (obviously), mentions of death, vendetta and things like that. Smut (on the second part) 

Request: I don't remember exactly, but this is the dare of Loki and Thor that backfires perfectly. This is again an alternate ending of sugar pt.2 you and Pietro didn't happen in this version.

Y/n's pov

You woke up and smiled mischievously. Today was THE day. You had talked to Wanda and made up the deal that Thor and Loki would have their dare this specific day. Thor would get really violent towards Loki.

You dressed up in something cute but casual, you were usually the black sheep everywhere you went, but that's how you liked it. Purple hair because of your powers and the experiments of hydra and all black fits were your thing.

Once you were dressed you went to Wanda's door and she answered almost immediatly with two cups of fresh hot tea and perfectly dressed

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Once you were dressed you went to Wanda's door and she answered almost immediatly with two cups of fresh hot tea and perfectly dressed. "come on" she said and the two of you went towards the living room where yelling could already be heard. 

"ME?! YoU bIg  DuMb OaF!" Loki yelled and you sipped your tea trying not to laugh "BROTHER I believed better of you! How could you be the cause of father's death!" Thor replied and you looked at Wanda "They really are dramatic" you whispered to her, gaining a small smile. 

"ILL Avenge fAthEr! YoU WenT tOO FaR thIs TiMe!" Thor said and summoned Mjolnir as Loki prepared his daggers. As Thor caugh Mjolnir Loki made the illusion of cutting his wrist off and everyone was now watching. Thor screamed in agony as Loki ended him. you made Thor invisible with an illusion while he got out and went back to asgard probably. 

Loki then stared blankly at your illusion of a dead Thor. "What HAve I done...?!!!" he said and slit his throat making you gasp as you tried to hold your laugh in. You silently got out of the room only to be grabbed and in a green flash you were outside. "Hush" Loki said quietly, his hand on your mouth and the Bifrost came down on you teleporting you to asgard. You stared in awe at the rainbow blur that transported you. You got on Asgard only to be greeted by Heimdall. 

"where is Thor?" you asked quietly while holding Loki's arm for support as you were a bit dizzy from your ride there. "He is already in the castle waiting for the both of you" Heimdall said and you nodded. It wasn't your first time in asgard, but it was just as gorgeous as you remembered it. 

You walked by Loki's side, head high, shoulders back, back straight as you changed you casual midgard clothes for an asgardian gown with a corset.  

Loki glanced at your new attire and smiled softly

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Loki glanced at your new attire and smiled softly. "Now would you look at you..." he said and trailed off making you giggle softly. "I'd make you my queen" he whispered thinking you wouldn't hear him, "A true cameleon" he joked

Once you were all in the castle you smiled at Thor and bowed in front of Odin (YES Ik but let him live pls) "Lady l/n" he greeted you with a warm smile, you were someone he appreciated since you were close to Frigga and also because you slowly made Loki a better person without even knowing it. 

You thanked Odin for letting you stay there and bowed a last time before walking off with Loki who said was going to show you to your room. You entered the room and it was gorgeous, dark green walls, black and green bedsheets, an immense library, gold accents everywhere and a beautiful walk-in closet.

"Wow loki" you said trailing off looking at the room. "It's my second room darling, the door over there leads to mine, if you need anything." he said and smiled at you, a genuine smile, before walking off and into, what you guessed, was his room.  You walked in the closet and smiled softly removing the extra clothing that hung from your neck and across your shoulder and put it down gently. 

You sighed and went to the door that Loki said was where his other room was. You knocked gently and the door swung open to reveal Loki with his armor and shirt gone now just in his leather pants. Your mouth went dry at the sight, not knowing what to say. He chuckled, his deep voice filling your ears and clouding your mind without really understanding. "My dove?" he asked rather concerned pulling you out of your trance. 

"Oh fuck yeah sorry my bad" He just smirked cockily at you and you rolled your eyes before pushing your dark purple locks out of your face. "I just wanted to know if I had the time to take a bath before dinner was ready. "Oh yes my dear don't you worry they are organizing a big celebration because both me and my brother are back." he said and you smiled softly looking at the ground than back at him. "Do I have to wear something elaborated?" he chuckled and winked before closing the door. You huffed "rude" you muttered before grabbing some shorts and a thank top from the closet that looked weirdly like normal midgard clothes before going in the bathroom. 

You gently removed your dress letting it pool at your feet before struggling but managing to get the damn corset off. You looked over at the tub to find it already full with a scent of rose emaning from it. "aw Loki" you whispered before getting in. You could swear you almost heard his voice responding to you, but thought nothing of it. A purple mist emanated of you once you submerged yourslef. Your powers usually clouded by emotions, when they were good like at that specific moment, it was just an aura. But as soon as the emotions went to bad ones it was a dangerous cloud of vile energy capable of taking down anyone. Sometimes your own powers sacred you, but you always managed to love them none the less

Once you were all done and dressed in longewear you walked out and moved you hand over your hair so it looked all balck and it was placed into an intricate updo bun with front pieces. someone cleared their throat and you jumped turning around and seeing Loki dressed in his armour, but it seemed to be a fancier version. Probably for special evnts you guessed. With a wave of his hand, his helmet disappeared. He had a single black rose in his hand. "Would you like to be my guest" he said and you smiled softly before nodding and he handed you a black box. 

"What" you said confused and he sat on the bed watching you. Ok... you thought. You opened the box to reveal a dark green crystal on a gold chain you put it on gently and Loki was fast to be behind you and help. You closed your eyes enjoying the moment but when you opened them you felt a weird feeling, you looked in the mirror and gasped at the sight while Loki stood tall behind you. He smiled and placed the rose on the bedside table before manifesting a dark green vase and placing the flower in it.

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