You little minx. (Steve x y/n x Tony)

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Words: 2803 (oof)

Type: fluffy smut..., a little angst is in there too sorry.

Warnings: Angst, smut?, bad language (sorry Steve again), love triangle.

Request:  chicky_nuggiez

Y/n's pov

You woke up in the arms of your handsome boyfriend.  The sun shining through the curtains of his bedrooom givingit a beautiful glow. You turned around in his embrace facing him. "morning Tony" you said with a small smile before pecking his lips. "morning gorgeous" he replied.  You wiggled out of his embraced and he whined making your heart melt. "Tony you know I have to get out of your room so no one gets suspicious about us and i need to train with Steve."  you told him while putting on his Black Sabbath long sleeved shirt as you were already wearing a sports bra and some booty shorts. He groaned when you mentioned the golden haired boy's name. You blew him a kiss before making your way out of his room and into yours as quietly as possible. Once in your room you brushed your teeth and put your hair in a high pony tail before putting on some sports clothes and making your way to the training room. 

"Good morning sweetheart" Steve greeted you when you made your way in the training room. You chuckled at the nickname before replying "morning Steve" He gave you that knee weakening smile before explaining to you the plan for today's training. We started by stretching and we then went for a jog outside around the compound. "So are you coming to Tony's party?" you ask Steve trying to start a small conversation "I am but I don't think I'll stay long and I might just come down when most of the people are gone." he simply answered glancing at me before looking back in front of him (you know just to not hit a tree)  "Well there's already not a lot of people going so I don't think you'll have to worry too much about that" you said with a chuckle stealing a glance from the handsome boy running next to you.  "Tony just wanted a small party with some agents from shield and the whole team. Even Thor is going to be there." you finished and he seemed to rethink his answer "If Thor is there I'll go sooner" he said and you let out a happy yelp causing him to chuckle. As you two stopped back in front of the tower and slowly made your way back inside while catching your breathes.  "I'll see you tonight." you told Steve with a small smile before going in the elevator to go back to your room. 

As you walked in the elvator you saw Tony. Once the door closed he smirked and you shook your head. "not now Tony I'm gross and sweaty" you told him and he rolled his eyes. "So you're coming to the party tonight." he said more as an affirmation and you nodded "and that's why you won't see me before tonight because I have to get ready." you finished for him and he sent you a wink before you made your way out of the elevator and to your room.  Something about his behavior was strange today but you didn't have time to focus on that. You got into your room and went straight for the shower after undressing yourself letting the hot water finally hit your skin. 

After taking a shower you wrapped a white fluffy towel around you and slightly dried your hair letting it a bit damp to be able to style it by after. You came out of the bathroom and saw a cute box on your bed with a note. "Thought you might like it ;)" the note read in Tony's hand writting you opened the box and saw a gorgeous pink dress in it and just as you were about to take it out Wanda and Nat bursted in your room scaring the hell out of you. "Okay Wanda hair I'm doing her makeup" Nat said as she rushed you on a chair and got out some makeup as Wanda took a brush and started to do your hair. "Okay it's makeover time" Wanda and Nat said you didn't even understand what was happening. "I want to impress both Tony and Steve toninght... well kinda" you said and the girls looked at you. "So you want to make Tony jealous so he does a move." Nat rectified and you nodded slowly thinking about the fact that she didn't knew about you and him. Obviously Wanda did since she could read minds but she decided to respect your privacy. 

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