Chapter 6

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A/N The Avengers will probably become part of the story next chapter. 

Perseus was enjoying the gods' and demigods' reactions to his appearance and how Zeus had failed to kill him. Perseus decided to mess with them a bit more. Grinning, he said, "I'm in a good mood, I'm sure you have a lot of questions, ask me a few, but don't bother trying to ask about my plans for the war, I won't answer those,"

Piper was the first one to speak up, " What's happened to you? How could you torture and kill Annabeth, and where are you keeping Leo? Is he even still alive?"

Perseus replied, "Piper, that was four questions. I will answer most of them though, after all, I'm sure most of you are wondering about them as well, and the answer to them won't affect your chances to win the war, you will still lose no matter what I tell you,"

Still grinning, Perseus said, "A lot has happened to me, but what changed me the most was Tartarus. My time there darkened me a lot, but it was that along with everything else I've gone through that made me realize that you Olympians don't give a shit about your kids. I also realized just how much of a tyrant Zeus really is. He isn't much better than Kronos,"

Zeus was clearly pissed, but because he was still being pinned in his throne, he could do nothing more than shout angrily."And you are?"

Perseus replied, "Yes, I may have changed, but at least I still care what happens to my family and friends. Even if I don't have many of those anymore,"

He continued, "As for your second question, it was quite easy, my feelings for her were fading even before we left Camp Half-Blood. I've kept her locked up so she couldn't tell you about my plans before I was prepared enough for you to know. Because I no longer cared for Annabeth it was very easy to hurt her every time she tried to escape, and once I was ready to send her back to the camp. Killing her was just as easy. I just stabbed her through the heart, and that was that,"

Although the demigods didn't want to admit it, they were afraid of Perseus, the way he talked so calmly about torturing and murdering Annabeth unnerved them. He spoke about it like it had been just as easy as breathing, just as calmly as they might have talked about killing monsters.

He clearly had no remorse whatsoever. Many of the demigods were assuming that Percy was now either a psychopath or a sociopath. They didn't know that neither label truly fit what Perseus had become. He possessed some traits of both, and also lacked some traits that would firmly place him in one category or the other. For one, psychopaths are usually born that way, it's sociopaths who become what they are because of trauma. He also wasn't as impulsive as a sociopath would be and he had played a large role in planning for the war and his torture and killing of Annabeth Chase had also been planned ahead of time.

Perseus was still talking, "After I first turned against you idiots I tried to convince Annabeth to join me, since she was supposed to be smart I thought she would agree, but I guess she was stupider than I thought...

Athena interrupted him, "How dare you call her stupid! She was smarter than you could ever be sea spawn!"

Perseus rolled his eyes at the prideful goddess. Then he looked at Poseidon, "I guess you never told them did you Poseidon,"

Poseidon looked uncomfortable now that his former son's attention was now on him.

"Tell us what?" Zeus asked before eyeing his older brother suspiciously.

Perseus answered for Poseidon, "Oh not much really just that he has known that I had turned against you since not long after I left Camp Half-Blood. He disowned me after he found out, but as you can see that hasn't stopped me from trying to overthrow you,"

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