Chapter 3

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Perseus Jackson and Khine were watching the chaos at camp Half-blood through a one way Iris message. They found it all rather amusing. How the demigods and even a few nymphs and satyrs were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. A crowd had begun to gather around the tortured form of Annabeth Chase. Quickly Piper McLean returned with the Centaur Chiron along with several members of the Apollo cabin. Annabeth had fallen into unconsciousness not long after Piper left to get Chiron. A pained expression appeared on Chiron's face as he saw the state Annabeth was in. 

She had been gone for two years, and he had already resigned himself to the fact that she was most likely dead. Now she had returned but considering the many wounds that seemed to cover almost every inch of her body he feared he might not have her back for long. He went over to her nearly motionless form and Picked her up off the ground. He quickly carried her to the infirmary, the Apollo kids and some other demigods, including Piper followed him. Once Chiron and the demigods left Percy swiped through the iris message as it no longer showed him what was happening to Annabeth.

The reason why Percy and Khione were watching the scene was not merely because they found it amusing, It was partially to see if Chiron and the demigods would actually manage to save Annabeth. Percy was sure they wouldn't, He had been strategic in his torturing, He had given her many wounds and before he had inflicted them on Annabeth he had made sure not to give her anything that would kill her too quickly, but also nothing that would take so long that Chiron and the campers might be able to save her. He hoped the plan he'd made to use Annabeth to inform Chiron and the gods that he was coming for them would work out as he'd planned.

Percy wanted to see more of what was currently happening at Camp Half Blood, but Khione decided not to accompany him. Percy didn't bother to try and argue with her. Before he left, Khione said, "Don't take too long, and don't get caught,"

Perseus replied, I won't, and even if the demigods do notice me I could slaughter them easily if I wanted to,"

Khione replied, "I don't think you should be so cocky, those former friends of yours defeated Gaia,"

Percy replied, "True but I've already taken care of two of the remaining seven, Leo is locked up with no possibility of escape, and Annabeth Chase should be dead very soon. Nico Di Angelo also shouldn't be a threat, and the Romans are all at their own camp. The only thing that could screw up my plans would be if one of the gods decides to show up for some reason, but I doubt they will get off their lazy asses to help Annabeth. The only one that could help her now would be Apollo and knowing him he probably won't even know what's going on in the camp, much less go to help save Annabeth,"

Khione nodded acknowledging that he'd thought of everything. Perseus turned away from her, and teleported to Camp Half-Blood. When he reappeared Perseus stood at the edge of the woods, he hid his powerful aura before anyone could notice it, He wasn't sure if Dionysus was at the camp or not and although he was sure he could defeat the lazy wine god He would prefer to avoid a fight for now. The day would come when he would slaughter and torture many of the gods, there were a few who he would be willing to spare if they didn't fight against him, but that day wasn't today, Today was just the beginning of what he had planned for the gods and demigods.

Chiron had already made it to the infirmary with Annabeth, and Perseus shrouded himself in mist before approaching an open window where he could see into the infirmary and hear what was being said. Chiron and the Apollo children were crowded around Annabeth's bed. Piper stood in the corner away from everyone else, watching as the others tended to Annabeth's many injuries. Perseus could tell from the looks on their faces that they didn't have high hopes of saving Annabeth. Perseus could also tell they were using a lot of nectar in an attempt to save her. Piper leaned against the room's wall, her head was bowed and she might have been crying, Perseus wasn't sure. Her voice trembled as she said, "What happened, who could have done this to her?"

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