Chapter 13

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AN/ Well, here's another chapter for you. I wrote this on my tablet since my computer  stopped working  a week ago and I don't have a new one yet so I may have missed some mistakes. If I did feel free to point them out and I will fix them later.

Will was still wrapping his head around everything Percy had told him. When Nico had revealed to him that he was Percy's spy, he had been hurt even after Nico had explained why he had chosen to Join Percy. Will had also seen the aftermath of what Percy had done to Annabeth, Despite all that he thought he  cared too much about Nico to tell on him to Chiron or the gods. Nico had also tried to get him to join Percy but it had taken a lot of consideration on his part before he actually agreed to do it.

Now Will still wasn't sure if he had made the right decision. Percy had clearly changed a lot, so he was no longer the same person who he used to consider a friend. He hoped he could get used to this new Percy, and being with Nico more often also might help him adjust as well,  but he wasn't so sure that would be enough.

Percy had told him that he could be a medic for his demigod forces. Will had been a bit relieved by that news since he was good at healing and he would prefer that over having to fight his friends when at least some of them fight for the gods. Percy had said that his forces did need some more medics since the majority of the other Apollo children in his forces were archers.

A few days went by as Will was still adjusting to his current situation and new suroundings, he had been spending as much time with Nico as he could when his boyfriend wasn't at Camp Half Blood spying for Percy. Will spent some of his time meeting Percy's other demigod forces,  and he also spent some of his time training.  He hadn't seen much of Percy since the day he had arrived, Percy had taken him to meet the other demigods in his forces, but most of the time he seemed to be leaving Will alone. Most of the time,  he didn't even see him at mealtimes, not that it really bothered Will, he was sure Percy would come to him if he wanted to see him. For now Will was also fine without seeing Percy.

Will also had never seen Khione since he joined Percy. He was sure that she had to have been there at some point since he knew that she and Perseus were a couple, and he had been told by Perseus not to disturb him when he was with her. One day though he finally saw them together. He was walking out of his room with the intention of going to the training room, he saw as Perseus and Khione returned from wherever they'd been. They didn't notice him standing in the doorway of his room as they walked into theirs. Will had only gotten a brief glimpse of Khione, but it was enough for him to realize something, she had to be pregnant. He didn't know much about what goddesses go through during pregnancy, heck his knowledge on what mortal women go through was somewhat limited, but there was no other reason why she looked like she had gained a lot of  weight since he had last seen her during the battle at Camp Half Blood. She looked like how pregnant mortal women did  during their third trimester and if goddess pregnancies were anything like mortal ones that meant she would probably have the baby soon. Although based on how large her belly had  gotten he wondered if she might be carrying more than one baby.

Will was surprised, to say the least, he assumed that Perseus was probably the father regardless of whether Khione was carrying more than one baby, and he guessed that She had stayed out of the most recent battle to protect herself and the baby, although he wondered if they were also trying to hide her pregnancy. When he considered that he supposed the gods wouldn't be beyond capturing her to use her to try and manipulate Perseus, it seemed that Perseus had already thought of that since Khione seemed to be staying hidden most of the time. Now that Perseus and Khione were out of sight, Will decided to follow through on his original plans and Continued walking to the training room.

Artemis walked patiently through a forest, she was the goddess of hunting, she knew getting impatient or frustrated wouldn't help her with her current task, she needed to stay calm and keep herself hidden. She had tracked a small group of demigods who had left Camp Half Blood to go join Perseus, now she suspected that they had almost found their destination.
Sure enough she now found herself in a large clearing, She  might have considered the clearing perfectly normal had it not been for a few more demigods on the far side of the clearing practicing archery by shooting their arrows at some of the trees which had targets painted on them. The demigods she had tracked went over to the other demigods and asked how they could join Perseus. She eavesdropped for a minute,  but walked away to look around the clearing more. It wasn't long before she found what she was looking for. On the left edge of the clearing among the trees was a well hidden trapdoor, for some reason she couldn't open it but she guessed there was probably a ladder going down into Perseus' base which was apparently underground. Not too far from the trapdoor she found an equally well hidden set of stairs that she guessed probably also led into Perseus's base.

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