Chapter 5

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The day that Annabeth Chase was able to rejoin her siblings in the Athena cabin she woke up early. As she changed into fresh clothes, she couldn't help but notice the many scars that dotted her body. Many of them were from previous injuries during the years she'd spent going on quests and fighting monsters, but the others were from the various tortures that Percy had put her through. She forced her mind away from those thoughts, she didn't want to remember what he had done to her, or any of the other things that had left her scarred.

Despite how that day had started it was one of the happiest days she'd had in a long time. It had been impossible for her to be happy while she was imprisoned, she was always wondering about how she might be able to manage an escape or whether she would be trapped in that place for the rest of her life. When she returned to her mother's cabin, she soon found out that her siblings had not given her bed to someone else during her absence. It seemed they'd never completely given up hope of getting her back, even after a shroud was burned for her.

What Annabeth wasn't looking forward to was the first battle of the war. Not only was she out of practice when it came to fighting, but she was also afraid of having to face Percy again. She knew he was no longer the boy she had once loved, but she still didn't think she would be able to bring herself to kill him. The demigods were also no closer to finding out where Percy was keeping Leo. They had found out that the Olympians would be having a council meeting at the end of the week, and the head Counsellors for camp Half-blood would also be expected to attend.

One night after the campfire, Annabeth was headed back to her cabin. Lost in thought. She fell behind the rest of her siblings. She wasn't worried, she was safe as long as she stayed in camp and didn't wander into the woods. She knew she would start training again soon she needed to if she wanted to be able to defend herself when the war really got started.

"Hello Annabeth," said an all too familiar voice that sent shivers down her spine.

She looked in the direction the voice had come from, sure enough, her ex-boyfriend stood at the edge of the woods, a wicked grin on his face. She didn't have time to make a plan, he was in front of her before she could even start to think of one. And before she could even say sword, his was swinging toward her chest. The blow would have definitely killed her if she had been completely unarmed. As his sword was swinging toward her she barely had time to unsheathe a dagger and block his strike.

Perseus looked at her, "You can't defeat me Annabeth, I've defeated you before, but then I wasn't trying to kill you. You don't stand a chance especially since you haven't trained in over two years,"

Annabeth wasn't going to give up that easily. She was free, back in the camp that had been her home for most of her life. She wasn't going to just stand there and let him murder her.

She wouldn't admit it to his face but Percy was right about one thing. She was rusty when it came to fighting. She only managed to dodge or block a few of his blows before he knocked the dagger out of her hand. She tried to run, but before she could make it far, he appeared in front of her again, seconds later his sword pierced her chest. It had gone right through her, if anyone else had come upon the scene at that moment, they would have seen the sword's tip sticking out of her back.

Perseus pulled his sword out of her. He was sure she was already dead, but just to be sure he checked for a pulse. She was definitely dead. Satisfied, he snapped his fingers sending her body somewhere else in the camp where she would definitely be found. Then he left, returning to his palace and to the goddess who was his girlfriend.

Perseus was pleased, he'd eliminated Annabeth, who was powerful in her own way. Now he wouldn't have to worry about her possibly being a threat in future battles. He was gradually taking the gods' strongest children. He'd convinced Nico to join his side, He'd Captured Leo, he'd just killed Annabeth. He didn't want to kill all his former friends, but he would do what he had to if they refused to side with him.

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