Chapter 3

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The sun was starting to show rays of light as Bobby was looking in his books, Jody was on the phone with her officers to know if they had an update on the missing girl and Dean was on Sam's computer trying to get information on Rachel Lee, He should have gone with Cas, and Sam should of done the research. He sucked at it.

Dean got up and made his way to the kitchen and started another pot of coffee. He was wondering if he should call Sam to check up on them when the door swung open and Sam came in.

We found Rachel.

Oh thank god. What happened? Asked Jody after Hanging up the phone.

Sam explained what had happened and how Cas seemed to know a lot more about Rachel but was pretty vague about it.

Seemed more important getting her safe somewhere then explaining what was going on. He finished.

So what we just sit here and wait for Cas to fill in the blanks? Where did he take her? Asked Dean.

Rachel woke up in a bed in what seemed like a cabin. She saw a fire going in the fireplace. Candles lit the small opened Cabin. She noticed a figure looking out the window behind the small couch. She sat up quickly and flinched as her sore muscles protested. Castiel turned around at the noise and came to her bed.

You're finally awake. Said softly Castiel with a gentle smile.

Who-where-what... she said as she sat as near as possible to the head of the bed.

My name is Castiel, I am an angel of the Lord. You have been passed out for 8 days, we are somewhere in the deep woods of Alaska, safe. You were kidnapped by a demon, which means others have now, knowledge of your existence.

Lucas... she barely whispered.

He was possessed by a demon. The demon tortured you for hours before he finally... activated your potential...

A demon. She flatly pronounce as she looked up his bright blue eyes.

Yes... He must have felt your power and taken notice in you. Wanting to understand it. Maybe they've been following you for a while now.

Angel? She asked blankly not following Castiel's train of thought.

Yes I know it is a lot to comprehend but Rachel you are danger now. The angel said gravely.

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked like she was searching the words.

I... I killed Lucas didn't I? I... I felt heat... inside. And it got really... intense... I pushed it out... Oh my God... I killed him... She burst into tears and Castiel sat next to her and awkwardly wrapped his arms around the shaking girl.

He was possessed by a demon, you freed him. He told her after a long moment. She sat up and Castiel sat farther at the end of the bed.

What am I? You said my power... he activated my...

Potential yes. Not too long ago the apocalypse started. It was stopped by two brothers. But the angels... we, decided to create someone who would become strong enough to defeat Lucifer himself. To bring a new line of warriors to rid of hell on earth. We created you. Every angel gave a small part of their own grace, myself included, to create the perfect soul. You were sent by the Holy Spirit. Placed inside a virgin's womb, Nella. Your birth mother.

My mother died giving birth to me. Rachel said through her teeth.

Yes, she accepted her faith. We cannot possess vessels without their consent. Demons, well that's another story.

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