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Jun 27 2013

"Thor, can you explain to us what just happened?" Tony asked after an awkwardly quiet trip back to the tower. 

Thor sighed. "It is not my place to say."

"I heard Olympians, Ares, and Poseidon." Bruce said. "Those are Greek gods."

"You are not wrong." Thor said.

"Daughter of Ares. That's what you called Clarisse. And Achilles is a son of Poseidon?" Clint asked.

"The scar on his forearm. It had a trident." Natasha said.

"Wait- are you guys saying that the Greek gods are real?" Steve asked.

"That's what it sounds like. Thor?" Bruce asked.

"Yes, the Greek gods do exist. The Bane siblings are indeed demigods." Thor said, tiredly.

"They're demigods." Clint said.

"That is what I said."

"You say you're a god, but you're actually an alien, so-" Tony said.

"I am a god, Stark."


"Stark. You are a man of science. Gods are magic. Please understand that your science cannot explain magic."

"So, theoretically, if you're a god, and they're demigods, you could take them in a real fight?" Bruce asked.

"Ash and Angel, it is possible. I would not be keen to fight them both at once." Thor said. "It would not be an easy match."

"What about Achilles?" Clint asked.

Thor laughed.

"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.

"What's so funny?" Tony asked.

Thor managed to catch his breath. "The mirror on the wall-" Thor pointed to the TV. "-You saw him kill those mortals."

"We all did." Natasha said.

"I have no doubt that he could do the same to me." Thor said. "My only hope of beating him would be the element of surprise. With his ability to see without his eyes... I don't know if that would even be achievable."

"He's that strong?"

"If he isn't now, he will be."


Jun 28 2013

"I know this is necessary, but I want to make sure you know that I hate it."

"I can tell by how you keep muttering under your breath." Loki replied.

Achilles glared at a vague point in the distance. "Do you even know how you're going to do this?"

"I'll adapt to whatever opportunities present themselves." Loki said.

"That doesn't make me feel any better about this."

"Oh, I'm sure."

"What if something goes wrong?"

"We're both capable individuals."

"Loki, I swear-"

"Oh, you do?" Loki commented. "I really hadn't noticed your doing so over the past ten minutes."

"I can't help if I don't know what the plan is! I don't want to mess up-"

"Achilles." Loki stopped walking and turned around, looking at him directly. "Just follow my lead. You will know what to do."

Achilles (PJO/Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now