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It was about 15:20 when Achilles carefully left the bed and made his way out towards the common area.

"Oh. Expected you to be passed out a little longer." Tony said. 

Achilles nodded, and walked over to the bar.

"Aren't you a little underage?" Tony asked.

"Wasn't in Paris." Achilles said. "Besides, right now I really need to tone things down, even if  I can't get drunk."

"Can't get drunk?"

"Nope." Achilles said, and picked up a bottle. His hands were shaking too much for him to pour, so he set it down.

"Are you okay?" Clint asked.

Achilles chuckled. "Now that's funny shit."

"I'll take that as a no." Clint said.

"Can I ask why?" Steve asked.

"They called the B team." Achilles said, as if that was an answer.

The Avengers exchanged looks. 

"Where's Loki?" Achilles asked.

"Reading in the library." Tony said. "Why are you so lenient with him?"

"We have a deal. Shared interest, win-win kind of thing." Achilles said.

"And you trust him to keep the deal?" Clint asked.

"Like I said, he benefits from it." Achilles said. "It's in his best interests, and he knows it."

"What if he decides killing you and other people is better?" Tony asked.

"Watch your words, Stark." Thor glared.

"He won't. He's smarter than that. And it's not his personality." Achilles said, and accepted the drink Natasha poured for him.

"He killed what was it, eighty people in two days? He's a monster. You can't trust someone like that." Tony said.

"Oh no." Achilles said, holding his hands in front of him in mock fear. "He killed eighty people in two days. What a monster." Then he took another large swallow of alcohol.

"This isn't funny, Achilles." Steve said. "He's dangerous."

"I think you're forgetting that Fury assigned me to keep him contained. If you don't like my methods, well, then I guess it sucks for you." Achilles said.

"I think you're putting too much faith in a monster." Tony said.

"I'm putting too much faith in a monster. So, if Loki is a monster for killing eighty people in two days," Achilles asked, his voice quiet and chilling. "What does that make me? After all, I killed two hundred yesterday alone."

It felt as if the room dropped in temperature. The Avengers froze as tense living statues, staring at Achilles. 

"What do you mean?" Thor asked, the first to recover.

"I killed two hundred people yesterday." Achilles said clearly, and then with shaking hands gestured for Natasha to pour another drink.

"You're lying." Tony said.

"No, I'm not." Achilles said. 

"Why?" Clint asked. 

Achilles shrugged, and poured himself another glass. He left spilled droplets of caramel colored liquid on the counter. 

"Who's orders?" Steve asked.

"Fury. I guess. The world council approved." Achilles said, before knocking back the entire glass.

Achilles (PJO/Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now