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Achilles' phone rang, and when he saw the caller ID, he quickly answered. "[Hello.]"

"[Hello.]" Achilles could practically hear the smile from the other side of the line. "[Think you can make it over?]"

"[Depends. Have you moved?]" Achilles asked.

"[That is a stupid question.]"

"[I'll be there in four hours if I leave now.]" Achilles said, glancing at the clock.

"[I'll be here. And I have something to show you.]" 

"[You do? What is it?]"

"[Well, that would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it?]" 

Achilles sighed, softly smiling. "[See you in four hours.]"

Achilles hung up and grabbed his keys, before slipping out of the tower. Traveling bothered some people. The long drives were annoying, uncomfortable. But to Achilles, the open road was as close to freedom as he could get.

The wind rippled through his leather jacket, but the cold hadn't been a nuisance to Achilles for years now. Angel had thought he was stupid back when Achilles had first purchased the motorcycle. Since then the bike had been Achilles' best friend. On restless nights he would take a ride, and wander around. Sometimes he would find a place to watch the sun rise.

Of course, the view was never as good as it was from the beach at camp. But it was okay. He was still watching the same sun rise. Maybe someone else was watching the dawn with him, just from another place. It gave him a small comfort, to hope that he wasn't alone.

And then the sun would be in the sky, and dawn was over. And he'd realize that things end. There wouldn't always be friends to watch the sunrise with from afar. Eventually he'd be watching the sun alone.

Achilles' thoughts drifted to two years ago. When he'd first woken at Shield. They eventually let him see Ash and Angel, and for the first few minutes they hadn't said anything. The three of them just stayed wrapped together in a group hug. 

It had been a mistake the first time Ash had accidentally called him Percy. The headache had been immediate. It didn't take long to gather that if they were addressed as their old names, the results weren't pleasant. 

Once they had gotten used to their new identities, things started to get a little better. Shield seemed to be alright. They had started testing their physical capabilities, and their mental wherewithal. 

After the incident on the Raft, the testing turned into training. Only a few months after they'd been banished, the three were flung into a new world. One where the monsters were humans.

The mythical monsters tended not to notice them, unless they were being obvious. If the siblings were together, then they certainly drew attention. Sometimes they were attacked. Sometimes the monsters sensed a power they didn't like, and turned away.

Achilles thought about how they had managed to keep their pasts a secret from Shield. It was like they hadn't existed before. What did it matter, anyway, if the people they were in the past were dead now? Angel, Ash, and Achilles were different people. They lead different lives.

They each had their own habits. Ash was a tracker and hunter. Angel blended into shadows and disappeared without meaning to conceal himself. Achilles protected those he could, fought the monsters.

It was six thirty when he pulled into the familiar neighborhood. His bike rumbled past the white picket fences and freshly mowed green lawns. He slowed and tucked into the driveway, with just enough space to comfortably park his bike next to the car. Just like it belonged there.

Achilles (PJO/Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now