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Seeing the Bifrost for the first time was interesting. Thor said he'd be back with Loki the following day or the day after. Whichever it was didn't matter that much to Achilles.

Later, Tony called up the CEO of his company, and the head of security. When the two arrived, Tony pointed between the man and Achilles in a way that said 'you two, converse'. The man, who Achilles assumed to be the Happy that Tony had spoken of earlier, didn't hesitate to walk over to him.

"Happy Hogan, head of security at Stark Industries." The man introduced himself.

"Achilles Bane, agent of Shield." Achilles replied.

Happy's eyebrows rose. "Shield, huh? Well, guess you're not in your uniform."

"I don't have a uniform." Achilles replied. "Only on special ops do they make me wear something else."

"Really? What do you do at Shield?" Happy asked.

"I'm a bodyguard. It's usually easier to do my job when I blend in." Achilles replied.

"That's true. I used to be that idiot's bodyguard myself. How long have you been a human shield?" Happy asked.

"Oh, almost two years now." 

"Really, so new? Wait- is that a sword?"

"Uh, yes and yes." Achilles said.

"Can I see it?" Happy asked. 

Achilles slid the silvery white sword from the black sheath, and held it in front of him so that it was lying flat on his palms. "This is Creed." Happy reached to pick it up. "It's very sharp." Achilles said before Happy's fingers got close.

"How sharp?"

"Well, when I wield it, it cuts through bones like butter."

Happy's eyes snapped up, slightly alarmed. Achilles sheathed the blade.

"Do you uh, do that much?" Happy asked.

"Most days, no. Some days, yes." Achilles said. 

"Why are you here?" Happy asked.

"Apparently I'll be sticking around for a while." Achilles said.

"You will be?" Happy's eyes widened.

"What?" The woman who had been talking to Tony exclaimed.

"Pepper, Pep, it's okay-"

"You're letting him stay here? The guy that tried to take over New York?" Pepper demanded.

"Look, he won't be able to use his magic-" Tony said.

"And that makes it so much better?"

"Look, you know how I said the director of Shield is a really paranoid bastard? Fury trusted this guy," Tony gestured to Achilles, "To stop Loki. That guy by himself. Plus there'll be extra security measures, and other Avengers here. We've stopped him before, and this time he'll be weaker and alone. You don't have to worry, I promise."

Pepper looked at Achilles. "You'll be there to stop him if he tries something?"

"Yes ma'am." Achilles said.

Pepper nodded as she looked away, thinking. Then her gaze snapped back to Achilles. "How can you stop him? He's a god, kind of."

Dominator. Achilles heard in the back of his mind. "I'm powerful, and dangerous. It would be a really bad day if you ever saw the extent of what I can do." He said.

Pepper narrowed her eyes, and Achilles kept his gaze steady. Pepper seemed to accept it. "I don't like it."

"That's fine." Tony said.

Achilles (PJO/Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now