Start from the beginning

Vivianne Westwood is not one to waste time as she goes straight to the point.

"I'm glad that you agreed to my suggestion of a private meeting a few weeks ago," Vivianne says calmly but then asks, "you requested that we discuss our potential alliance more deeply in person, so what is the cost of your loyalty?"

"When Nalani is the sole Queen I want three powerful war gifted of my choice on her Black Council," Pele says, completely calm as she says her demands. She does not like that Vivianne will surely take her place as Head of Black Council but it is inevitable, so Pele may as well make sure she still has some power when Nalani is crowned.

"Alright," Vivianne says, "but I want war gifted at the ready for Queen Nalani at all times heading into the Ascension Year, I always want no less than four for her protection."

Pele smiles, her eyes lighting up as they both strike a deal for each other's benefits.

"Done," She says, "I will assign my four top warriors for her protection and my oldest daughter, Morrigan, will be one of them. The others will be a mix of Murtras like myself and our close cousins, the Anteres or possibly the Vatroses."

"Not the Beaulins?" Vivianne questions curiously, "and isn't it dangerous to give the Vatroses a position of power?"

"No," Pele says shortly, "the Beaulins have always been too closely aligned with the Arrons for my liking and I prefer to keep trusted war gifted around me and I trust my family most of all. And I will let the Vatros clan have this honour to make them feel wanted and help smooth relations between my family and theirs, the old Vatros warriors have not forgotten that the Murtras took their power from them only a century ago but the younger ones could be reasoned with. It is a chance to prove their loyalty after all."

Vivianne nods, making a mental note to avoid the Beaulins and be wary of the Vatros family. It has been in her mind before but she must think more of it now. Now that the Ascension is coming up and Nalani's transition to power will be soon.

"I understand," she says, "but I also want more from you, I want to keep this alliance strong and I want Nalani to always be protected so when she is the sole ruler of Fennbirn I would like several trusted war gifted in her Queensguard. I want only the best warriors to protect Nalani from those who would do her harm, particularly the Arrons and Radurons."

"I can can do all of this for you but I need you to offer something more in return for all these favours," Pele says, "I like you Vivianne but I'm not a charity after all, I'm a ruler."

Vivianne straightens up as she goes to reply, "What type of favours?" She asks, suspicion evident in her tone as she regards the warrior.

Pele gives her a smile that is not at all reassuring and makes her look like a shadow or poisoner rather than war gifted general,

"I'll call them in at some point," Pele says being cryptic as she refuses to give a straight answer to the elemental, "I hope the Murtras and the Westwoods will enjoy a mutually beneficial alliance for a while."

Vivianne nods gratefully and gets up to leave but the stops and turns back to face Pele.

"Oh and one more thing," Vivianne says, a rare sinister smile forming on her face and a determined look in her eyes, "by the end of this I want Andrea's head."

Vivianne must still feel Andrea's hand in that assassination attempt. Interesting.

Pele returns Vivianne's smile and says sweetly, "I'll prepare a spike."

Vivianne nods, happy at the outcome and then carries on waking.

As she walks through the opening of the tent she hears Pele call behind her,

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now