I'll Leave a Light On

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Title inspired by song- Leave a Light On by Tom Walker
Tony's POV
After getting those kids to safety, I started helping Bucky, Steve, and Natasha finish off those pesky rams. As we are getting the last few Steve informs us that Sam is missing. I instantly head towards the building knowing he was on the ground floor but the spider runs across the street and right into the fire. We all stand there concerned for both Sam and the spiderling. Clint comes over from helping the police and stands with us concerned. After a few minutes we see the building start collapsing. Steve, Bucky, and Clint look away unable to see the disaster but me and Natasha are frozen just staring at the building. The building keeps crumpling and gets closer to the bottom. As it reaches the 2nd floor we see Sam come flying out, but no Spider-Man. The building instantly collapses leaving all but a pile of rubble. We run over to Sam concerned for him but he starts to stand up but fails and Steve grabs his arm and swings it over his shoulder.
"What happened in there?" Natasha asks worried
"Beam collapsed on my leg. Spider comes in not giving a crap about anything and lifts the beam off my leg."
"He lifted a steel beam?" Steve asks shocked
"Yeah. He then helped me out. One moment we are together getting out of there and the next I'm out of the building and the building is nothing but ruble."
"Is there a chance he got out?" Natasha asks worried
"I would be surprised. I mean as I was being pushed the building was starting to collapse onto me."
Everyone looks around concerned. I move towards the ruble and scan for any visible life.
"FRI do a scan for life" I say some what hopeful
I found a heat trace under pile of rubble straight ahead I look in the direction of where a large pile of rubble sits. I walk over and look for any visible sign of life.
"I wouldn't be too shocked if he was under there. That was about where we were before he pushed me out."
Natasha runs over and starts moving the rubble around.
"Are you going to stand there or help me?!"
Everyone, afraid of Natasha, starts moving the rubble. After moving some rocks I see a mask. His mask. Terrified of who I will find. And that's when I see him. Peter Parker. My intern, the kid who I loved like a son and father. He told me he didn't have any reason to live.
"Tony!?" Steve says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I-I found him." I say breathless
They all walk over and were shocked by who we found.
"Guys we can discuss this later. For now we just need to get him out." Natasha says
Steve picks up the biggest piece that laying across his body. I pick him up carefully. And just now in this moment I realize just how light he was. A couple of weeks ago I was concerned about his health but while I still was I was also focusing on the fact of him being Spider-Man. I carry him back to the jet and set him down with his head resting in my lap. I run my hand through his brown curls wondering just how small of a world it truly is.
As soon as we got back Bruce and Cho took Peter and Sam back. Sam told them not to focus on him and that he would be fine. We all are sitting there in the living room, I lay my head on Stephens shoulder, we told the team about our relationship last week and they were very supportive and now Stephen spends most of his time here with me,thinking about how I should have known. Known about his aunt, his abilities, and how depressed he was. I just couldn't take it anymore, so I got up and walked outside. I stared out at the city thinking about Peter.
"Tony?" I hear Stephen ask me
"It's all my damn fault. It always is! I never see signs until they are right in front of me!"
"When we were in that building he said that I had more reasons to live them him! He basically told me he wanted to die!" I scream at Stephen with tears running down my face. Stephen walks over to me and engulfs me in a hug.
"Tony I know it's hard to realize but it truly isn't your fault. Let's think for a moment, did anyone know how much you were hurting?"
"And what did you do about it? You worked, you worked to improve Stark Industry's, worked on your suit, and even worked on your emotions."
I look at him with a sad smile.
"This is why I love you so damn much."
We walk back inside and see Bruce standing there with the others. He looks at us and nods.
"Peter will be ok. He has 4 broken and 2 bruised ribs, a sprained wrist, and a couple scrapes and bruises, but he will be ok."
Natasha walks over to Bruce and hugs him and I hug Stephen.
"He's okay." Stephen whispers.
Peter has been asleep for 3 days now but Bruce says that is normal and it is just his body healing, which I'm ok with him sleeping as long as he is breathing. I haven't left his side. Stephen comes and sits with me when he can but sometimes has to go to the Sanctum because of issues. So here I am sitting in Peters room looking over the paperwork Pepper sent me. Me and Stephen have been talking and since finding out Peter was Spider-Man we decided that we officially want to make Peter our son and get him out of his aunts house. We were angry when we found out but we were even angrier when we realized it was still happening and half of his injuries were actually from his aunt not the building, which was surprising.
"Mr. Stark?"

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