street rat

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Hook line and sinker story (lws):

It's been a stressful week to say the least. Theo is completing a class to get a certification for work, etc. she's holed up in her room for three hours every morning.

The last day, which is test day- she's got a nasty migraine. So nasty that she went to sleep with an ice pack on her face and took four doses of her meds.

She passes the test and feels much better, enough that she wants to be outside and with people.

Except, nobody was answering the phone.

She does some cardio and takes a shower before getting dressed like a street rat (ripped shorts and a crop top with some hightops) and grabbing her skateboard, making her way to the usual places.
Lucas must've already left the gym.

Levy and Josh (JC) are being idiots outside their flat so naturally, she crashes into one of them.

Josh, it was Josh.

Even though she was aiming for Levy. He stepped out of the way at the last second, camera trained on them. Instagram/snap gold.

"Why are you always so sweaty, JC!" He broke most of Theo's fall but her elbow was stinging and so was her palm.

"You came out of nowhere, teddy!" The older boy sputtered, trying to hold her off of him.

"That's not true, I saw you coming from a mile away." Levy was hunched over laughing at the two of them.

"Help me up, dipshit," she scowled and tried not to dig her elbow into Josh's ribs but by the look on his face, she wasn't successful. Levy helped both his best friends up.

"You finish your class, that why you came speeding in?" She smacked his bare chest.

"finished and passed." He grinned and picked her up, spinning in a circle.

"You're free!" Her hands gripped his hair for a moment before resting on his shoulders.

"Yes, I'm free and I wanna get into some shit."

"Like what, teddy?" Josh was skeptical. She blew out a breath.

"Like jump off a cliff or roll down a hill. I really want a smoothie." Levy set her down and Josh lifted her arm to get a better look at the damage. The bottom of her forearm and elbow were scraped, another nice sized gash opening her palm up.

"Why are you so fragile, Teddy?" Theo stuck her tongue out at him.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Levy laughed, zooming in on the boy's face as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"buy you a smoothie and truce, yeah?" Josh stuck his hand out. Theo tilted her head in thought for a moment before smiling, shaking it with her newly injured hand.

"Smoothie and a snack. Gotcha." JC yanked his hand away

"goddammit teddy, everytime!"

"Come on, you're such a sucker!" She pointed at him while jumping up and down. "Tell your dumb blond friend to meet us somewhere." Levy knew exactly which dumb blond she meant.

"Why don't you tell him yourself?"

"He didn't answer the phone so I hate his guts right now." She shrugged.

"Wow, ok. Say that again slowly." Levy rolled his eyes and shoved his phone into his pocket. He would not be the enabler.

"Put your shirt on, please?" She said slowly, swinging her arm so the article of clothing hit him square in the face. "Wait, I know! Let's go surfing!"

JC wastes no time texting Lucas to tell him where they're surfing. Theo would want to be in the water. It didn't matter in what capacity, she was a water baby in the most general sense. Which was in itself ironic because she had a fear of deep, open water. One of the many things about Theo that didn't make any sense.

She takes off on her skateboard in the direction of her house, changing into a bikini and a wetsuit in record time.

For some reason she isn't that surprised to see a certain broad shouldered blond already waxing his board and chatting to some girls. She waxed her board before she left just so she could march right past him before breaking into a run and diving in, hair whipping in the wind.

Lucas loses his cool as soon as she's in his line of sight. Theo can't tell because she didn't bother to look but Levy and JC take definite note as to bring it up later. Theo is shredding in under five minutes, completely in her own world. After about 15 minutes her scrapes start to sting a bit too much. She'd forgotten about them for a hot minute.

She sets her board on the table before unzipping and stripping down to the waist so she can take care of the injuries. Luckily, JC hadn't gotten rid of the first aid kit she'd stashed in his car a while ago. It was stupid that he didn't have one in the first place.

Lucas spotted her sitting at the table just in time to bomb the wave he'd just caught. He was coughing as his head popped up, eyes still trained on her hunched figure as he swam towards shore. Theo barely noticed when his board joined hers on the table, his figure appearing in front of her seconds later. She's in the middle of cleaning the scrape when he sits in front of her and just takes over. His touch is surprisingly warm as he gently dabs at her skin, her brows furrowed, lip between her teeth.

She opens her hand so he can get the gash on her palm, hissing and jumping when the cloth touches it. His grip tightens momentarily, brows furrowed with worry, frown pulling his lips down.

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