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Corey funk storyline:

She couldn't remember a time when they were together that he wasn't wearing a hat.

Today was no exception. She was behind everyone else, her legs slowing down just as much as her thoughts due to the constant aching in her head. She sat on a stool in the ice cream shop playing a game on her phone, waiting for everyone to order. She didn't think sugar was the best thing for her at the moment.

What she didn't notice was the boy behind the counter watching her every spare second he had. But just because she didn't notice didn't mean Corey didn't. And Capron noticed Corey noticing.

The younger brother frowned, looking back and forth between the two of them. Her hair was tied up in a frightful, but fitting, messy bun, wisps of hair falling out to frame her face.

With all his attention focused on them, Corey hardly noticed the girls behind the counter flirting with him. He said his please and thank yous quite distractedly, only moving when Capron nudged him.

He let her taste his ice cream, as did everyone. Her face scrunched up when she ate Capron's. He got something with banana.

She stood up and grabbed her backpack, intent to find some coffee to combat her headache. Corey threw away his trash before following her, his older brother watching with a smile.

Corey tugged on her sleeve, flashing a smile when she turned to question him. Her brows went up but she smiled back, clearly exhausted. She sensed his curiosity and said,

"Caffeine, migraine." He nodded, noting how soft her voice was.

"We're looking for coffee." The girl behind the counter nodded and asked what size. He turned to her and she shrugged, rubbing her temple. "How big is your small?" After comparing the sizes she nodded at the small, unzipping her bag to grab her wallet only to be stopped when Corey cupped her elbow, nudging her along. She turned, noticing that he already had his wallet out. "I've got it." He shook his head when she began to protest, handing her the cup.

"Thanks." She murmured, matching her steps with his once they'd exited the shop, the steaming cup of coffee warming her small hands.

"You're welcome."

They walked around a little more before heading home, her headache still not going away. She sat in the back seat by the window, her eyes searching the sky for answers she'd never find anywhere else.

Corey tolerated the middle seat so he could be next to her, knowing she couldn't communicate at the moment-but he still wanted to be as close as possible. He traced a lazy pattern on the palm of her hand and was rewarded with a fleeting smile that made his heart race.

Once home she tried to help with dinner, but ended up on the couch instead, slipping the hair tie out of her hair to ease the aching behind her eyes.

She went upstairs to take a pill and climbed into bed shortly after, thankful it was evening and the light was fading. He came in to check on her a little before dinner was ready. 

"Go eat you doofus. Leave me alone." She scolded quietly, frowning at him when he came into view. He leaned down to kiss her shoulder, his lips coming into contact with the soft material of her shirt. She held back a smile.

"I'll be back." He promised. She rolled over in response.

He came back about twenty minutes later having eaten dinner and helped with clean up.

She was half asleep, curled against the wall. The aching in her head was slowly dissipating, her heart rate thumping rhythmically in her chest. He hesitated for a moment before climbing in next to her, taking a minute to marvel at her figure. Her hair fanned out over the pillow, her breathing shallow but steady, her arms curled up by her face.

He lay facing her, tempted to trace the outline of her hips or run his fingers down her arms. Instead, he pulled the covers up and over both of them before settling in and drawing the hair back from her face, pressing the lightest of kisses to her temple. She stirred, a soft sound coming from her lips as she turned to face him, somehow fitting herself perfectly against him, her nose just touching his collarbone. He held his breath for a moment before wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead this time.

He wasn't sure how it had happened so fast- they hadn't known each other for that long, and yet he felt so genuinely connected to her already. He didn't know how much he felt for her until moments like these.

She was in a fragile state; her breathing still shallow, her mascara half smudged below her eyes, her brows knit together in discomfort even in her sleep- her migraines becoming more and more frequent. There was cause to worry. And not purely about her but also about them as a couple.

Corey didn't know if that's what they were, it already seemed like they were, and yet there had been zero discussion on the topic, none of their exchanges had even skirted close to the topic and they'd talked often enough about everything else. Everything but what they were or what they wanted to be.

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