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Hook line n sinker story (lws):

Theo has an important doctor's appointment and either her dad or Nate was going to take/go with her but of course work happened/ something came up so her dad is like 'don't worry, teddy bear i'll send someone to come get you' and so she's waiting in front of the office when who pulls up freshly showered from his gym session?


He's on the phone with Nate, who is trying to prepare him for his little sister's wrath.

"How mad does she look? Is it bad?" Lucas leaned forward, waving at Theo before putting the car into park and unlocking the doors. His eyes widened.

"I think she's blushing...?" Nate sucked in a big breath,

"You're fucked. You're absolutely fucked and I am a dead man." His sister never blushed. And if she did there was usually hell to pay. And in this case there was definitely hell to pay because Lucas was involved. Both her brother and her father were dead men, as far as she was concerned.

Theo took her time walking to the car, fingers flying across the screen of her phone as she informed both of her male family members that they had less than twelve hours to live.

She looked great (she always did) dressed casually for Friday in the office: high waisted jeans (rolled up at the bottom) and a cropped, white collared button up blouse with strappy brown heels on her petite feet. Her jewelry matched her outfit, silver dangling boho earrings complimenting her tan, freckled skin, and silver rings that twinkled in the sunlight. Her hair was just past her jawline now and fell in messy waves that bounced with each stride she took towards the car.

Lucas reached for his water bottle and took a long sip, swallowing quickly as Theo pulled, or rather, yanked- the car door open. He coughed for a moment, panicking. She stepped into the car and placed her bag on her lap, closing the door and locking her phone, glancing over at him.

She wished she hadn't.

He's wearing the same thing she is. Collared, button-up shirt and everything. Son of a bitch.

Her father planned this. that motherfucker planned this. She let out a breath and reached for the door again.

"Theo?" she shook her head and opened it.

"I have to make a call." she said calmly, taking a few steps away from the car before dialing her father. It didn't even finish ringing once before he picked up.

"everything alright, teddy bear?" The smug bastard was feigning innocence.

"You told him what to wear, don't you think that's a little overkill?" she bit out, turning her back to Lucas.

"I thought you'd like it." she put her hand on her hip, biting her lip because goddammit, she did like it and he knew it. Her father took her silence as a yes and chuckled.

"I really am sorry I couldn't be there to take you, I know it's an important appointment for you. But I thought you'd be ok if Lucas came with you, and he was more than happy when I asked him." she glanced at the boy over her shoulder, lip between her teeth. Inhale, exhale.

"I know you are. Does he know what it's for?" her father sat down on his desk, looking out the window of his office.

"No, I thought I'd leave that to your discretion." she nodded to herself, letting out another breath and running her free hand through her hair. "Teddy..." she sucked in a breath, spinning in a slow circle, her chest suddenly tight.

"What if there's something wrong with me?" her voice broke, making her father stand and regret every decision he'd made up to this point. How could he not be there himself?

"We don't know anything till the doctor tells us, alright?"

Lucas watched the conversation unfold from the car, his chest tightening as he noticed Theo's features twist and fall, her eyes glassy even from 10ft away. She hung up and stood for a moment to collect herself, wiping her nose and pulling her top down before walking back to the car and getting in.

deep breaths.

The vehicle didn't move, Lucas was staring at her intently. She clears her throat after a few moments and finally makes eye contact, raising a brow. The boy blinked, taking a moment to pull up his driving with Theo playlist, cheeks coloring as he swallowed and shifted into gear, pulling out from the curb.

The tension is palpable. All of her body language is saying nervous and upset and he can feel it. she can tell that he wants to know what's wrong but he sure as hell knows better than to ask. The closer they get to the office the more anxious she becomes, bouncing her leg to somehow counteract the violent butterflies in her stomach.

"You don't wanna talk about it?" She doesn't even hear him speak, to be honest, too caught up in her own head. It registers that he'd said something but having no idea what it is she keeps her eyes on the clouds, lip between her teeth.

Lucas brakes for a red light and glances over at her, instantly coming to terms with the fact that this might be his last day on earth if he put his hand on her thigh right now but at least he would die happy. If she didn't want to talk he could deal with that but he needed to touch her.

She didn't know she needed him to until he did, the warm weight of his hand breaking her worried train of thought. her brain battled with the decision to brush it off or hold it.

HOLD IT is the voice that won and so she did. She held onto his hand with both of hers, eyes still on the sky.

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