'what the?! You guys didn't wait around, did ya?' he laughed.

'mate, there's nothing else to do' the Italian cheekily replied.

'Valeria, for goodness sake!' Seb laughed, but he was blushing.

'anyway, I found out when you guys were in Australia, it's finally been long enough to tell people, so I wanted you to hear it from us before you saw it somewhere'

'wow. Congratulations! You'll both ace it. You're the most parental people I ever met. I mean, Seb is. Taz, you're still a child'

'don't fucking remind me. I'll have to teach a human social , interpersonal and life skills. I have none of that' she chuckled.

'Do you know what it's gonna be?'

'A boy' Valeria replied.

'nice, we are the best. Guessing we'll get him karting soon enough. He can challenge Robin or my nephew'

'hey, he hasn't even been born yet, let's give him some time before we force our hobbies on him' Valeria interjected

'you said the same about 10 minutes ago' Seb reminded her.

The couple chat to Dan until they had got back home, Valeria felt exhausted. Between the pregnancy and the lockdown she hadn't really moved much, especially as Seb had offered to do every single thing around the house. He didn't let her do much, worried he could tire herself or the baby out.

The Italian sat on the sofa, stretching her legs onto it, texting away to let family and friends know the news. Everyone was ecstatic.

Valeria decided to check the socials, she was sure she and Seb had been photographed and her bump had started looking fairly visible so she knew people were going to explode.

OMG IS THIS TRUE? She read on her timeline. She clicked on the news article, there were a couple of pictures of them leaving the doctor's office, a brief story about how they met, how long they had dated and how long they had been married for.

'Do we have to do a full media thing or can I just tweet something along the lines of nothing good comes out of having sex with Seb Vettel?' Valeria asked Seb, with a cheeky smile on her face.

'maybe not a full statement, but for the love of God please don't tweet that!' he laughed. 'you're your own species, aren't you?' he kissed her nose, as she was still scrolling down the screen of her phone.

'alright, what about a blue bow... nah, that's stereotypical. I need something weird, like me!' Valeria looked up to her amused husband.

'I am surprised you managed to hide some of your weirdness to the outside world' he stated. 'can we just not use socials at all? They'll realise we had a baby some day'

'yeah, the kid will bloody tell them if we wait for you' Valeria laughed.

'actually, I should tell Kimi' Seb stated.

'and Lewis, don't leave him out.' Valeria reminded him.

'I am starting to think you are a full on Lewis fan' Seb joked. 'be right back'

'yeah, wouldn't want to call your husband with the mistress present' Valeria mocked him.

'stronza' Seb chuckled, as he walked away to call his friend.

Valeria relaxed on the sofa a bit more, still thinking about a way to silence all the questions she kept getting on her socials.

'Kimi says congratulations and wonders how you're doing without alcohol and coffee. Lewis didn't pick up, but I guess he's in LA and it's early there' Seb told her. 'did you have an epiphany?'

'Kinda. I am just gonna pick one tweet I like and just reply 'it's true, yeah' and leave it as that'

'better than your first option' Seb replied 'scooch over, please'

Valeria moved over, as she liked a couple of tweets and picked one to reply to.

It is true, yeah. That is not (just) a lockdown belly. she typed,smiling.

'Val?' Seb asked, after a while.

'Yeah, Seb?' Valeria replied, putting her phone down to look up to him.

'I know we suggested a couple of names in case we were having a boy, but I just had another idea, if you agree...' he started.

'What were you thinking?' she asked curious.

'I was thinking... Jules? Maybe?' he asked, tentatively.

Valeria smiled widely. She would have loved to name their child after her best friend, but she knew she had opened up to Seb enough about her feelings towards the late Bianchi and she didn't want to force her husband into anything that would or could make him uncomfortable.

'are you sure?'

'Yes, I am sure. Jules was a great man and I think he would be happy to know there will always be a memory of him in both of our lives.'

Valeria nodded, starting to feel emotional. 'it makes it feel so real now. Jules Norbert Vettel' she said, her voice almost a whisper.

'Jules Norbert Vettel-Proietti' Seb corrected her.

'Yeah, but you know people are gonna pick your surname once he starts karting' she joked.

'what if he doesn't? Maybe he could be a footballer... or a carpenter, like my dad, or a lawyer like yours...'

'no son of mine, with a name like Jules and a surname like Vettel will not kart. I will be so happy to tell the FDA to do one when they try to lure him in'  Valeria smirked.

'Jesus' Seb laughed. 'you're playing the long game'

'Revenge is a dish best served cold' Valeria shrugged. 'I just need to make one more call, alright?' she pushed herself up and walked to her gaming room. She dialled Jules' mum's number and waited for Christine to pick up.

'Hello ma petite. How have you been?' she asked.

'I am all good, thank you. Hope lockdown is treating you guys well, it's getting quite boring here, honestly'

'Yeah, it's giving us too much time to think, but we are keeping busy' the French lady told her.

'I have some news...' Valeria started. 'Seb and I are expecting...'

'Oh my god, congratulations!' she chirped.

'and I wanted you and Phil to be the first to know what we decided to name him' she paused. 'we decided to name him Jules'

'oh, Val. I am sure Jules would be so excited to meet his namesake. Congratulations, you are going to be an amazing mum' Christine said. Valeria could hear the emotions in her voice and had started to tear up herself.

'thank you so much, I love you' she managed to say in between sobs.

'I love you too, darling. And make sure to call me when I can come meet him. Anything you need...'

'Sure, thanks. Hopefully see you soon. Love you, Chri'  the women said their goodbyes and hung up. Valeria looked up to a picture of Jules, her and Dan from 2008 and smiled, through the tears.

'It's time I let you go, Juli. Thanks for everything' she whispered. She felt Seb's arms wrap around her body, and his head rest on her shoulder.

'I love you so much, Sebastian Vettel.'

'I love you more, Valeria Vettel'

The end.

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