49. New Year's

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Hello everyone! We are getting quite close to the end of this book, but don't worry! I have book 2 in the plans, if you guys would be interested.

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes. They're really appreciated!
Much love


'morning, princess' Seb whispered, as he gently put down a tray on the bed. 'happy birthday, again' he kissed her, as she was stretching to wake up.

'Thank you, my love. I can't believe you brought me all the way down here and I am going to spend my birthday in Hobbiton.'

'And you can spend as much time there as you want... well, until they close'

'thanks captain obvious' Valeria chuckled, getting a side eyed look from Seb. He laid down next to her again, as they shared breakfast and planned their day. Valeria couldn't wait to get moving. She inhaled her breakfast and the coffee Seb had made her and jumped in the shower. She changed into a pair of black shorts, a bright coloured tank top and her favourite neon vans.

She put her sunglasses on, joining Seb in their rental car. They drove the short distance to the sets in silence, enjoying the warmth of the sun reverberating through the car windows. Valeria failed to contain an excited 'woah' as a smiley attendant directed them to a parking spot, miserably trying to hide her excitement once she had recognised Seb. She could already see so much from the car park she felt like a kid would at Christmas. She excitedly grabbed Sebastian's hand and walked to the entrance of the sets.

Seb hadn't expected, or thought through, the reaction he had got from her. She had been walking, almost hopping with joy, around the sets, taking pictures of everything. He snapped a picture of her looking at Bilbo's door in awe, her tattoo of if visible on her left upper arm.

'thank you so much for taking me here. This is the best birthday I've ever had' Valeria told him, kissing his cheek.

40+k steps later

'I'm absolutely knackered' Valeria said as she let herself fall on the bed back in their little hut. 'but it's been the best day. My legs ache, but my heart is full'

'I'm glad you enjoyed it.' Seb told her 'We don't have to go anywhere tonight, I have prepared a little something for new year's, just you and I.' Valeria had told him she wasn't great with big crowds, especially on new year's. She had always hated the big parties and had always preferred celebrating with her friends at small house parties. It was good as Seb wasn't a party animal himself, always choosing peace and quiet over big celebrations.

'I'm gonna take a shower' he told her, leaning in to kiss her. 'just be ready in about 2 hours, ok?' Valeria nodded.

She unlocked her phone, wanting to upload a couple of pictures she had taken on their day out. She picked the picture Seb had taken of her in front of Bilbo's house. Having freed herself from the emotional weight of her past, had given her a new found energy, she could even see the difference in herself.

Find yourselves someone who looks at you the way I look at Bilbo's door. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start my last year in my 20s and couldn't have asked for a better companion for this adventure. NZ, you've been amazing. 📸SV she captioned her post, adding a couple of other shots from around the sets.

She had also got Seb to record her running down the hill of Hobbiton shouting 'I'm going on an adventure' just like Bilbo did in the first hobbit movie. You could hear Seb's chuckle at the end of it, as she almost tripped and fell. She decided to post that too.

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