2. Do not panic. I repeat: Do not panic

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It was the day of the team opening dinner and party. Valeria had ordered a dress and a pair of shoes. She didn't like wearing girly things, but she knew she couldn't show up to her first team outing in sweats and converse.

'Have you got a plus one for tonight?' Pietro asked her.

'Wait, we can have plus ones?' she asked curious.

'Yeah, did you not read the invite?' he joked. They had worked together a few weeks now and had got quite close. Their friendly banter had started to annoy the whole floor.

'you know i can't read' she replied. 'well, I have nobody anyways. I'll ask a random person on the street. So is it today I'm meeting this famous Stefano? I need to ask him tips on how to survive a whole season with you' she teased him.

'I already warned him not to speak to you' he joked. 'but he asked me to invite you to ours for pre-drinks' he added.

'oh, I will be there. Where there's alcohol, there's me'

'Now I see why you didn't purse that karting career' he laughed.

Valeria looked in the mirror once more. She had curled her long auburn hair and had pinned it up as best as she could, following an internet tutorial. She fixed her lipstick and put her bracelet and gold necklace on. She grabbed her clutch bag and ordered a taxi to Pietro's place. She grabbed the bottle of wine she had bought and walked out of the building.

A few minutes later, she found herself knocking on his door.

'oh dear god, who are you?' Pietro joked, kissing her cheek.

'your worse nightmare, I think' she joked, following him inside.

'Stefano, Valeria. Valeria, Stefano' he introduced her to his partner. 'Wine?' he offered.

'Please' she replied.

'are you excited? Scared? Worried? He asked, as he poured the largest glass of wine he could.

'I'm excited, I heard it's open bar' she laughed.

'it is, yeah. You'd expect Ferrari to have enough money to pay for a couple of drinks'

'Couple? Pietro, I'm half British. It won't be a couple' she joked.

'Please, don't get drunk before they introduce you' he told her, a fatherly tone in his voice.

'Introduce me?' she asked confused.

'Yeah, they always introduce the newbies. You, Charles and some other aerodynamics guy. Not many, we don't get much turnover here' he explained.

'shit. Do I have to go on stage?' she asked.

'Yes, it was in the invitation' he laughed. 'here' he made her read it.

'I HAVE TO GIVE A SPEECH?' She shrieked as both the men laughed out loud. 'DAMN. Do you have pen and paper? How long have I got?'

'10 minutes before the cab arrives.' He told her, passing her some paper.

'Damn.' She started scribbling. 'wait, what language?'

'English' he replied with a laugh, as he watched her delete what she had written and started again. She finished off her glass, just as they had to leave the flat.

'Be my guinea pigs please' she said, as she read out her speech in the cab.

'perfect. And it works even better when you have a cute British accent' Stefano told her, trying to distract her.

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