48. Pre-Birthday confessions

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TW: this chapter talks has some descriptions of depression and suicidal thoughts. Please do not read it if this might be something upsetting for you!


The sun was shining through Seb's car windows, Valeria pulled down the sun visor trying to pinpoint where Seb was driving her to. They had spent a couple of days in Germany with his family but, in the early hours of the 29th of December he had grabbed two cases he had packed, told her to get ready and had started driving. If he hadn't been Sebastian Vettel, she would have been slightly worried for her safety, but she knew he would never do anything to hurt her.

'are we going to the airport?' Valeria finally recognised the road towards Frankfurt.

'maybe' he smirked.

'Seb, what the hell? We just got here!' Valeria asked confused.

'you'll soon find out' he told her, with a smile. 'you just chill'

Seb parked his car at the airport not long after. A feeling of excitement and stress had taken Valeria's gut as she grabbed her case out of the car. She followed Seb, still unsure on anything that was happening, until they got into the terminal.

'So, now you'll have to find out as we are checking in and that. Do you want me to tell you now?'

'please, I'm so confused' she replied.

'So... I know there's a place you always wanted to visit, but couldn't. You also said it's the place you need to see before settling down...'

'No' Valeria interrupted him, shocked.


'you're taking me... to... fucking... new Zealand?'

'happy early birthday, amore' he smiled, giving her a kiss.

Valeria stood there, motionless and frozen. How was Seb so chilled about such a big gesture? She felt him grab her hand as he walked to the check in desk. She heard him chat along with the lady at the desk who, in Valeria's opinion, seemed a bit too interested in him as she kept chuckling at stuff that even Valeria could understand wasn't funny. He passed her their passports and Valeria noticed her eyes gazing at his name for a bit. The lady put their tickets in their passports and passed them back to Seb, slightly touching his hand doing so. Valeria couldn't stop her eyes from rolling a bit.

'what's up, Schatzi?' Seb asked her, as they walked towards security.

'lady was definitely trying to flirt. I don't need to speak German fluently to understand this' she told him, touching his hand as she did.

'was she? I just thought she was being nice'

'Yeah she was, because she wanted to take you right there'

'is someone jealous?' Seb teased her, pulling her in under his arm.

'no' Valeria blushed.

'you're cute when you're jealous, you never show this side of you. But you know I love you, right?' he kissed her temple.

They went through security controls and sat in the first class lounge.

'This must have cost you a bomb' Valeria said.

'I've been planning it for a while' he shrugged.

'since when?' she asked curiously.

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