11. Memories from the past

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Hello! I can't believe people are reading and enjoying this book as much as I am enjoying writing it! Thank you all for voting, commenting and reading. HB3112

Shanghai, Baku and Barcelona had come and gone. The first two being a Mercedes domination , with Seb for company on the podium and Barcelona being a race to forget, Valeria was glad to be in Monaco. It was Charles' home grand prix and she could feel the Ferrari love. She had landed in Nice a day earlier than normal, having used some holiday to take the time to visit Jules' family and Charles'.

She had decided to visit the Bianchis upon arrival and, after having collected her luggage, she called a cab and got dropped off outside their house not long after.

She took a deep breath, before ringing the doorbell. Christine opened the door, a warm smile on her face.

'Valeria, hi! Oh my god, it's been so long since I last saw you' they had stayed in contact but Valeria hadn't seen her since the funeral. 'Philippe is just making coffee for us. Hope the flight was ok'

'It was good, thank you.' She followed her through the corridors she had seen so many times, to the kitchen.

'Philippe' she told him with a smile, giving him a hug.

'Valeria, it's been so long!'

'Please take a seat, honey' Christine told her. 'Do you want anything to eat?'

'No, I'm good, I'll be out of your way soon, I told Pascale I'll have lunch with her and the boys' she explained.

'It's good to see you're back in this world.' She told her.

'it's hard to stay away from it' Valeria replied. They went on chatting about Valeria's parents and her sister, she updated them on Noemi's job and anything they might have missed in the years. What felt like 10 minutes later, Charles had just arrived to pick her up.

'it's been a pleasure to see you' she told them, giving them a hug.

'before you go... we found this. We thought you'd like to have it' Christine told her, passing her a notebook. Valeria recognised Jules' handwriting on it straight away. 'Whenever you feel down, please read it.' she told her, tears in her eyes. Valeria hugged her tight and did the same with Philippe.

She grabbed her luggage and walked out, Charles was sitting in his mum's car, a bright smile on his face.

'Charlie, hello' she told him, as he got out to open the car booth for her.

'mum is so excited to see you, I apologise in advance for the amount of food she's made'he joked.

They sat in the car for the short drive from Nice to Monte Carlo.

'When's Seb coming?' Charles asked her, as she was typing away on her phone. Notwithstanding the amount of press regarding Mr Vettel being in a relationship, nobody had, yet, connected her name to his. Only people at Ferrari seemed to know, but the two had acted extremely professionally during the past GPs.

'tomorrow evening, if I'm not wrong' she smiled.

'Are you finally sharing a room? Or still sneaking in and out?' he smirked.

'Not sharing yet, no. It would be a bit too obvious' she laughed.

Charles parked up outside his childhood home, Valeria recognised Pascale standing by the door. She closed the car door and ran towards her open arms.

'oh my god, it's been so long!' she hugged her.

'You look so grown up' Pascale told her. 'oh my god I can't believe it's been 10 years' a young man appeared behind her.

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