59. Time to let you go

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Oh god. I can't believe this is the last one! Thank you so much for keeping up with me for so long!

As you know I am working on a second book, so fear not! I won't be gone for too long!

HB3112 x

'Everything is A-OK. Now, if we move over here, we can finally see the sex of the baby. Are you both sure you want to know?' the doctor asked Seb and Valeria once more.

They both nodded, Seb automatically went to hold his wife's hand to squeeze it. He could sense the anticipation, excitement and slight worry she was  feeling.

'It's a boy' the gynaecologist told them, with a bright smile. Valeria couldn't believe the little peanut she had seen on her first scan was now becoming a fully formed boy!

The couple looked at each other with a smile, they had already discussed names for both possibilities, Valeria had secretly hoped for a girl, but she was happy as long as the child was healthy.

'everything looks fine and in line with the foetus growth at this period in time.  How have you been getting on since our last visit?'

'well, I think. The hormones and mood swings are still quite annoying, though. Seb has great patience with me' Valeria replied, giving her husband a smile. 'but to be honest, everything else has become bearable' she concluded.

'Good, anything you need, please give me a call' the doctor concluded.

Seb helped her up from the table and they walked out of the doctor's office. They got into the car, discussing the news they had just received.

'I'm not gonna lie, I was almost sure it was going to be a girl, I had already planned her childhood' Valeria joked. 'but to be fair the plans were pretty unisex. I was just thinking about karting' she laughed.

'you know he can do whatever he wants to do. We'll support him no matter what' Seb reminded her, as he turned the car on.

They noticed a couple of people looking at them, one seemed to have a camera pointed at them. Seb let out a soft groan, annoyed. At that point he knew that their little Vettel bubble had just been burst and the world was back to remind him that privacy was a luxury when you're in the F1 world.

'I guess that's how people will find out' Valeria moaned, pulling her sunglasses down from her head. 'might have to text people before they hear it on the media' she said, getting her phone out.

She dialled Dan's number. She had been eager to tell him the news since she found out but wanted to make sure she wasn't telling everyone her news before it was actually safer to do so.

'afternoon' he picked up, giving her a wide smile. 'How's it going?

'alright? All good here, how's Oz?' she asked.

'Yeah, good. Never spent this much time at home. Look at this' he panned out to his massive property. Valeria could see Mike, Sammie and another guy sitting in the sun by the pool.

'are those alpacas?' Valeria asked excitedly. 'Can't believe I never got an invite to be your alpaca-sitter'

'yeah' Dan chuckled, pointing the camera back to him. 'how's Seb?'

'he's alright, I guess' she turned the camera to the German concentrating on the road. 'sorry he's in driver mode, he doesn't speak much. Mate, we need to tell you something and I would have waited to get home but I think we got photographed. We are having a baby!'

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