12. Don't let fear shape you

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Valeria was walking down the paddock, after FP1 had just finished. She spotted Minttu and the kids waving at her, so she walked towards the Alfa Romeo motorhome.

'Hey, guys! How's it going?' she gave the woman a hug, after ruffling the children's hair.

'great, great! I have always loved the Monaco atmosphere' Minttu replied. As Rianna jumped up and down begging Valeria to pick her up. The Italian picked her up, fixing the young girl's Alfa cap. Kimi joined them not long after and Valeria stayed around for a chat with the Finn.

'Valeria, come in' Pietro's voice came through her radio earpiece.

'sorry Minttu, one moment.. go ahead, Pi' she replied.

'need to borrow you for 5, Silvia has an issue with Charles' schedule'

'copy that ,I'm on my way. Sorry, gotta rush' she turned back to the Finns, as Kimi opened his arms to let Rianna free her. 'I'll see you around' she blew a kiss at the kids. She noticed a couple of cameras follow her, curiously, as she walked into the Ferrari motorhome. She caught up with Silvia, working on rescheduling some of Charles appointments. Being his home GP there was a lot more spotlight on him throughout the weekend.

Valeria, Silvia and Charles walked out just before the beginning of FP2 for a quick piece Charles had with the French TV. It had started raining, Valeria hadn't brought her raincoat with her as the forecast hadn't mentioned rain at all.

'Excuse me, hi. Hannah Freeman, motorsport weekly. Could I ask you a question?' a lady stopped Valeria. She nodded to Charles and Silvia to go ahead without her, as she used her clipboard to shield herself from the rain.

'what would that be regarding?'

'your relationship with Sebastian Vettel'

Valeria felt her heart stop for a second. She nervously put a strand of wet hair behind her ear. 'Mr. Vettel and I only share an harmonious working relationship' she said, mechanically. She realised she was maybe too robotic.

'there has been lots of talks regarding the possibility of him being in a relationship and you two seem to spend an awful amount of time together, even if his assistant and PR manager is Miss Roeske.'

'I spend the same amount of time with Mr. Leclerc' she replied.

'We have seen you talking to Mrs. Raikkonen, holding her little girl in your arms, we know the Raikkonens are quite good friends of Sebastian.'

'You seem to know an awful lot more about Mr. Vettel than I do.' She smirked. If there was an interview style she was going to follow, was the one of Kimi. 'if you'll forgive me, it's pouring with rain and I would like to not get more drenched. Thank you' she briskly walked off, running to catch up with Charles and Silvia. She run into the room, completely soaking. Dan was there too, with Renault's PR manager. 'Well, you look awful'he whispered. Valeria rolled her eyes, squeezing the water out of her hair.

'just got stopped by some "journalist". I'm freaking soaked' she huffed. 'I might have to go get changed'

'Here, dry your hair' he passed her his towel.

'Thanks' she told him, quickly drying her long hair and braiding it to make it look less messy. 'Christine gave me a notebook from Jules' she told him 'there's a lot about when you guys met and when I used to bring you out in Viareggio' she continued. 'I'll bring it out tomorrow so you can have a look, but after quali because it's heartbreaking' she gave him a small smile. Dan nodded, giving her a little nudge. He knew how much Jules' passing had affected her. He wished he had been there more for her but racing had been his main focus.

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