58. Announcements

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' swear to God I'll choke those chickens if they don't let me sleep a bit more' Valeria mumbled, turning around in bed. It was 6 am and the chickens Seb had decided they needed to get were as loud as ever.

'You're definitely not a morning person, are you?' he teased her, with a loving smile.

'Not since my husband decided to get bloody chickens. Who's going to take care of them when the season starts again?' she asked, watching Seb throw a tee shirt on to go feed the animals .

'If' Seb corrected her. 'by the way, we're announcing it today.' He showed her the statement he and Britta had prepared to announce his divorce from Ferrari.

'damn. Twitter will be on fire. What time?' she asked.

'Some time this morning. I'll go feed the chickens and I'll make you breakfast. Don't get up' he told her, kissing her forehead as she let herself fall on the bed again.

Valeria smiled, watching her husband walk out of their room. She rested her head on the back of the bed, resting her hands on her belly which had slowly started showing. Her gynaecologist had been really helpful and had replied to all her silly questions , Seb had found a way to persuade her to do home visits and Valeria was due a check within a month or so to find out the sex of the baby. They had decided to tell certain people, once the visit had happened, especially the people at Ferrari who needed to know in case Valeria went into labour on a race weekend, if those were ever going to happen again.

She played with her rings on her left hand, lost in thoughts she had only just realised how hard her pregnancy was going to be once Seb had started travelling all over the world again.

'that bastard chicken bit me again' Seb huffed. He walked in with breakfast on a tray for her. Valeria could see he had tried to bandage his finger as best he could.

'this is why I wanted a cat. Instead... you got me chickens!' she joked. 'come here, let me see that' she told him. She grabbed his hand, trying to fix the mess he had made with the plaster.

'You have many talents, Mr. Vettel, first aid is not one of them.'  she got up to go to their en-suite bathroom to grab some disinfectant. She lightly pressed a pad on his finger, making him wince a bit.

'all done' she smiled. She had wrapped his finger in one of the Princess tattoos she had got for when his nieces were around.

'Martha is not going to be impressed with you when she finds out I got to use one of Tante Valeria's special plasters' Seb reminded her.

'nah, she loves me. She'll understand you deserved it because you've been a good boy.' Valeria joked, kissing his hand where the chicken bit him. Seb couldn't contain a smile, having been able to spend a couple of months at home with her had been amazing. Never had he been worried that a full lockdown would strain their still fairly new relationship. Any day with her had been like a new adventure. They had started baking and cooking together, they had taken walks around their house, spent lots of time sunbathing and gardening. Spending that much time together had felt like a bliss.

The couple sat on the bed, having breakfast. Valeria was keeping an eye on Ferrari's social, to see what would happen once the announcement went live.

'Hallo?' Seb picked up his phone 'yeah, that's cool. No, don't worry about that. Valeria is bored and she's already on twitter. Sure. Thanks, Britta. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Yeah' he stopped and switched to English'Britta says hi and she hopes you're well and that I'm not driving you insane' he told Valeria.

'she knows you are. Have you told her about the chickens?' Valeria shrugged.

'Oh yeah, we got chickens' he continued in German to his assistant.

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