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3rd P.O.V.

Dyrus went in front of (Y/N) and yelled "MS. MORI!!! BEHIND YOU!!!"

The running silhouette turned out to be Mori, and as Mori was told she looked over her shoulder and saw a dark figure with sharp claws reaching for her

Mori's eyes widened and activated her ability

"Ice Time"

The sharp claws were about to hit Mori's eyes but Mori dodged it and touched the claw but as she touched the claw the dark figure vanished into thin air.

"W-What the...?"

Mori was too shocked that she kneeled and leaned against the wall and curled up into a ball. (Y/N) looked at Dyrus then nodding at each other, Dyrus pulled out his phone and contacted King aka. Okhwang while (Y/N) sat in front of Mori who is still curled up in a ball

"Mori? Are you alright?"


Then (Y/N) noticed Mori was shaking in fear, (Y/N) gently placed her hand on Mori's shoulder trying to calm her down

"Shh... It's alright no need to be scared" This was not normal, Mori is not even the type to get scared, so something must have happened to her

"(Y/N) I have called King, and inform him that we found Ms. Nakamura-"

"S-Stop... Stop calling me Nakamura..." Mori said while shaking in fear

"Okay... Umm... If you don't mind, can you tell us what happened to you, Mori?" Dyrus spoke, gently putting his hand on Mori's head careful not to scare the poor girl

"T-They... Told me about my father..." Mori said, raising her head and there were tears on her not so cold silver eyes

(Y/N)'s eyes soften it reminded of her self when she found out what truly happens to his father back then,

(Y/N) unconsciously patted Mori's head, making Mori flinch and whimper in fear

Now, this just raises the question, what did they do to Mori?

"Whatever they did to Mori must be very bad, this behavior is not normal for her to do am I right (Y/N)?" Dyrus asked

"Yeah... I just met her a few days ago and I'm pretty sure she's a cold and strict one, never showing fear or anything" (Y/N) said

"Maybe... She was brainwashed?" Dyrus guessed

(Y/N) brought a hand back noticing how the fear on Mori's eyes grow more "Maybe... But if she was brainwashed then she must have not remembered the technique names if so." (Y/N) said

"..." Mori was silent even though that's not new for (Y/N), she knew something was wrong with her

(Y/N) helped Mori to get up as Dyrus was trying to think of what happened to her. Then the three of them heard some tapping footsteps, Mori hides behind (Y/N)

"(Y/N), Dyrus, there you are" it turned out to be Okhwang


After that King bought them to the administration for questioning and some other stuff, after Dyrus and (Y/N) answered the questions truthfully they explained everything that happened when they both went to the dark alleyway near the supermarket

"Hm... So that's what happened to Mori, though none of that explained why Mori became as this" King said

"That's the point we both arrived at that alleyway when I hear a thud coming from that place, when I and Dyrus arrived there Mori showed up and ran toward us" (Y/N) explained before sighing in frustration "Then suddenly there was a dark figure running after her thought we don't know what it is or anything" (Y/N) added

"Dark figure... That probably a villain with its ability... But I think it's not a villain" King said

Dyrus and (Y/N) looked at him confused "What do you mean?" They both asked at the same time

King showed them his computer and showed a video where Mori's kidnapping took place "See this kid? He was the one who kidnapped her and knowing that there's a 50-50 chance that it might be him"

(Y/N) puts her finger on her chin "If so then you should already know who he is or something right?"

King sighed deeply "That's the problem, we can't find out who this kid is"

Dyrus looked at the video again then he replayed it was the guy's face was shown. He squinted his eyes trying to figure out who this was. The video quality of this also was pretty bad

"Wait... Is that Nicolas?" Dyrus asked

King and (Y/N) looked at Dyrus with seriousness "You know him?" (Y/N) asked

Dyrus nodded "Y-Yeah, I battled him in Smash Duel, and I won... But I never expected him to be this bad..." Dyrus said

"Can you tell us more about him?" King asked, silently turning on a recorder

"Alright, Nicolas is a student from Chaos Academy, the school delinquent. He challenged me in a Smash Duel but he ended up losing and... Because of that loss, he became an outcast at Chaos."

"Outcast? What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked

"You see, Chaos Academy is one of the elite schools, top #2 to be exact" Dyrus answered

(Y/N) looked shocked. Now she gets it, as one of the elite schools losing will be a total shame

"I want to ask this question Dyrus, do you know if Nicolas still studies in Chaos Academy?" King asked

"... Well, he's aggressive and a bully, and very cold. But there are rumors about him being the school's imposter... And yeah he still attends Chaos Academy" Dyrus answered

Then (Y/N) and King stand up from their seats, they both looked at Dyrus "Dyrus, your coming with us. Show us the way to Chaos academy" King instructed

"W-What about Mori-"

"Yuki will look after her, now stand up show us the way" (Y/N) with a slightly angered expression

Dyrus flinched from the sudden change and quickly stood up. Leading the way to Chaos Academy. But little did they know someone was following them.

"Chaos Academy..."


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Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن