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Author: I'm... Alive... I survived...

Ace: Uhh... Are you all alright?

Author: I survived... Fractions...

Ace: Fractions?

Author: I survived math!!!

Fractions: You do know there are more modules of math you know?

Author: ...

Author: Fu-
3rd P.O.V.

"Kosa/Robot, listen to me and I mean this in the nicest way as possible...

...You fucked up"

"Holy crap there pissed as hell..." Nico said.

"The robots just spilled their drink and there already angry," Eli said while she sweatdrops.

"This is gonna be an interesting fight"
Nozomi said.

Hey, I wanna watch how the girl with grey hair fight.

'Really? Ok then, we will watch it on my phone.' (Y/N) thought pulling out her phone then opening an app where it allows you to access one of the drones.

While the others put their attention on Yuki cause she's interesting.

(And I know all of you guys are waiting for pissed off Yuki beating the hell out of Kosa)

Yuki's P.O.V.

Kosa ignored what I said and flew towards me I immediately surround myself with sand and make a shield.

Kosa ignored what I said and flew towards me I immediately surround myself with sand and make a shield

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(Yuki is still glaring at Kosa)

When I make a sand shield surrounding me I hear a loud thud from Kosa's scythe I suppose. I make the sand shield disappear and transform myself into sand.

Kosa backed away and started to look around probably searching for me.

I snuck up behind him and kick his head but my kick didn't do damage to Kosa. Kosa immediately turned around and slash off my head with the scythe.
Meanwhile, In the dormitory

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Hanayo screamed in horror.

(Y/N) didn't look up to her phone because she was so focused on Mori's fight she needs to gain all of the information about Mori's ability.

"..." All of them didn't say anything and just gulped nervously all they can do except for (Y/N) is just watch the fight.
Back to Yuki's P.O.V.

My head started to regenerate and my head turned back to normal. I jumped away and make a sand spear. Kosa tried to hit me but I block it with my sand spear but Kosa immediately turned his scythe the other way hitting my chin I flew away and my back hitting the wall of a 12 story building.

Otonokizaka Academy (Love Live x Reader) (Superhero AU) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now