Chapter Two: Spicy Wings and a Plan

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"Good game, Lis," Brent said as he walked up behind me. "I don't think we've ever had that much of a lead in our first game of the season."

"Really?" I replied. "Well, I'm glad we're starting off strong. Who knows what could happen next game?"

Brent rolled his eyes as we walked to the locker room. "We've got to go to Seattle next. They're always a bit of a wild card."

"But that doesn't mean we can't beat them." I winked.

Brent and I walked into the locker room, which reeked of Old Spice and Gatorade. There was no girls' locker room, obviously, so I changed with the guys. Honestly, I didn't mind it. In fact, I was used to it. Most of them seemed okay with me being in there. A few of them, however, would tell me to leave or would give me perverted looks. Brent would then proceed to slap them or kick them in the balls, which never failed to amuse me.

I headed to the showers, wanting to freshen up a bit before I headed home. The stench that seemed to surround football players could get to be unbearable sometimes, and it didn't help that I was in contact with it constantly. After my shower, I pulled on a shirt and jeans and headed out the door. Brent leaned up against the side of the bleachers, texting on his phone as he waited for me.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded as we walked to his car. Typically after practices, Brent and I would head to Buffalo Wild Wings, in true jock fashion, order some food and chat for a while. That's how we got to know each other. I'd never really had a teammate who was so nonchalant and friendly with me. Most of my teammates in high school and college were either dismissive of me or wanted to hook up with me. But Brent did neither and I appreciated that.

"Your usual?" he asked as we sat down at the bar.

"Yeah," I responded.

He ordered a large basket of spicy wings, which tasted even better than they looked. I downed a few shots of beer as well but kept myself sober. My alcohol tolerance was high, but even I could be pushed over the edge sometimes.

"Brent! Lisa!"

We turned to see a familiar face walk up to us. I immediately recognized her, yet I didn't know her name. She was the dark-haired cheerleader that Brent seemed to fancy at the beginning of the game. And by the way he looked at her, I could tell it wasn't just a mere one-time occurrence.

"Maisy, hi!" Brent smiled. "What are you doing here?"

She sighed as she sat down next to him. "Just needed a bit of a drink. Congratulations on the game! Y'all played really well! I don't think the Seahawks even stand a chance."

"I beg to differ," he chuckled. "Our success is really all because of Lisa. She's the one who actually scored."

"Lisa, you were truly amazing out there," Maisy said. "Rosé and I were very impressed."

"You know Rosé?" I questioned.

"Of course," she beamed. "Rosé's our flyer. Sweet girl, really. She's been cheering with us for a couple years now. She wasn't professionally trained, but she has so much potential."

I looked down for a moment. "Damn, I feel bad for knocking her over then."

Brent almost spit out his beer. "You knocked up a cheerleader?"

"No, I knocked her over, you dingus," I slapped his arm. "On the second touchdown I scored. I didn't stop running and I ran into her. All on accident, I swear."

Maisy giggled. "Rosé mentioned you did that. She said you apologized far more than necessary for it too."

"First day on the team and you're already making girls fall for you, huh, Manoban?" Brent smirked.

"Shut up," I huffed. "Maisy, I want to make it up to her. Is there something she likes? Should I get her flowers? Chocolates? A puppy?"

"Those are pretty extravagant gifts there, Lisa," Maisy chuckled. "I don't know her taste in those sorts of things, but I do know that she always likes a cup of coffee after practice."

"Coffee, okay," I muttered under my breath. "What kind of coffee?"

"I don't know, but it smells like caramel or something. Iced too."

"Lisa's whipped for Rosé..." Brent said in a sing-song voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Shush, child. I'm only making it up to her. Then that's it."

"Sure it is," he snorted.

"Give her a break, Brent," Maisy glared at him. "She's only being nice. You guys are practicing tomorrow, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Will you guys be there?"

She nodded too. "Yep. We've got to review our halftime routine. Maybe you can talk to her then, Lisa. I can give her a heads-up if you want."

"Thanks, Maisy." I smiled.

Our conversation went on as usual. Brent and Maisy casually flirted back and forth and I had almost demolished the heaping pile of wings that lay before me. My mind kept darting back to the blonde cheerleader I'd only talked to for a few minutes. I felt tremendously awful for what happened and despite the number of times I apologized, I still felt that I hadn't made it up to her yet. But tomorrow, I would.

Cliché: A Chaelisa Football AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin