🌸 Police 🌸

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Todoroki's mother was surprisingly very nice, and you stirred up a conversation with her rather quickly. Rei was most certainly grateful for your presence. Todoroki's mother smiled softly at him, then at you who was drinking your boba happily. It was surely nice to have someone so bubbly around. Soon enough, a nurse came by and said your time with the patient had run out, and you needed to go out.

"Aw, so soon?... Then, I'll see you soon, Mrs. Todoroki!" You waved goodbye as you exited the ward, and the hospital. Rei waved goodbye as you exited.


"Aoi, where's Kanao and Shinobu?" You asked as you entered the Butterfly Estate. You came here to say a small thanks to Kanao, but you still didn't know what feeling you're experiencing right now. You couldn't say you love her, but you couldn't say you dislike her. Somewhere in between; more than just 'like', though.

"They're at police interrogation!" Aoi shouted. "Go, save them! I can't go right now, since there's an unbelievable amount of injured demon slayers here! Come to think of it, I had absolutely no idea when this estate landed here anyways!" Aoi pushed you out of the butterfly estate, telling you to save Shinobu and Kanao, since they're at police interrogation. Your eyes widened when you processed all the information, and rushed to the police station.

"Shinobu, Kanao, what have you got into?!" You cursed under your breath as you slammed the interrogation door open. There were guards guarding the front room, but you knocked them all out with your bare fists.

"They killed one of the villains on the most-wanted list. Not only that, these two brats injured some undercover spies as well." A police officer spat. "We're putting them under trial, and they're getting executed." There was tension in the air, and it was clear to everyone in the room that you were angry. In fact, you've never seen a human so evil.

"Heck, I don't know you could be so damn stupid," you start, full of anger as you pulled Shinobu's sword out of it's sheath. Shinobu's eyes widened, but she didn't attempt to stop the girl. You flung the sword forward, keeping Shinobu's sword under the police officer's chin. "It's an act of self-defence. Obviously, they couldn't recognise anyone from the undercover spies or whatever that is!" The police officer laughed. "That's the sword you're using? That won't cut anything!"

"Oh hell you're wrong," you hissed, pulling the sword closer to the police officer's skin, drawing the tiniest bit of blood. Before you knew it, a familiar figure rushed inside, trapping you in toilet-paper-like rope. Aizawa. You cursed. All I want is protect the only family I have left! They're going to die!

Aizawa death-stared at you, before releasing you from rope. But that only made you continue your stance, lunging at the police officer. "Don't you dare kill them."

"Chill, chill! I was just joking, joking...! Joking!" The police officer cried.

"(Your name)." Aizawa death glared at you. That made you drop Shinobu's sword, and Shinobu actually didn't mind it if it cracked or chipped, since she got to see a side of you that no one else saw. You were being protective over her. And Kanao, but that was irrelevant at the moment. Shinobu just stared at you in awe. "It isn't funny." You glared at the police officer. The police officer just squeaked out of fear, and went out the room.

A police officer, scared of a 15 year-old girl. How pathetic is that? You scowled, and headed over to Kanao and Shinobu. "You're all OK, right?" You asked, returning your bubbly self. "Anywho, let's go out now. Aoi's worried." Shinobu smiled as Kanao just stared at the ground.

"And Kanao, it's fine." You smiled. When Kanao heard that, she knew you were referring to what she did yesterday. She felt reassured and calm. Shinobu blinked twice, then smiled too. "Let's go home, after all, it's late."

It is. It's currently eleven p.m., and all that ruckus you made has taken a good two hours. You have a test tomorrow as well, but you took no care for it. You took Kanao and Shinobu's hand as the three of you walked back home, hand in hand.

"Thank you." Shinobu whispered, before holding your hand, too.

"What did you say?" You asked.

"Nothing." Shinobu smiled a mischievous grin.

"Was it another insult for me?" You eyed Shinobu suspiciously. "You know what, I'm not holding your hand anymore." You huffed.

"No." Shinobu declined, still holding your hand. "It can't be helped." You groaned.

(This chapter made Shinobu out of character--- I--)


🦋 Modern Secrets 🦋

- Uraraka gaped at how easy it was to ask you out. 

- The class was busy keeping Mineta away so that he won't sabotage the 'date'.

- Only Rengoku knows about this 'date' from all the hashiras, and I can tell you, he isn't happy.

I'm sorry for this chapter. It isn't up to my standards and I almost feel guilty posting this. If you like this story, then I just want to thank you.

I'm not in tip-top condition. It's been happening for quite a long time, actually. I can't exactly bring myself to eat. Just the thought of food makes me want to vomit. I don't know if this is serious or not, but I'm doing fine at the moment.

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