🌸 Somewhere New 🌸

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"What do you mean she's missing?" Shinazugawa growled when Shinobu tried to explain that you've gone missing. Shinazugawa has a small soft spot for you, only because you make good ohagi. Muichiro took this to heart, and didn't come to the hashira meeting they were supposed to have. Muichiro considered you as his best friend, since the two of you would normally hang out and fold airplanes or go cloud-gazing. Muichiro would smile around you, and now you're gone, he's back to his old self. Expressionless.

"It can't be a Lower Moon. (Your name) can't possibly be killed by a lower moon!" Rengoku pointed out. "There must be another 12 Kizuki or someone on that mountain, or otherwise (Your name) wouldn't be missing!"

"Well, I don't feel like having the trial with Kamado Tanjiro right now." Mitsuri grumbled, sulking. Her eyes are red and puffy. "And we promised each other to eat sakura mochi after this meeting..."

"Now, let's get this meeting over and done with. After that, we can do whatever we'd like." Shinobu smiled, but inside, her heart just broke into two. "We can cry all day if that's what we need to do."


"Okay. Now, where am I?" You asked no one in particular as you walked down the busy streets. "Woah! Are the cities so advanced nowadays?"

You glanced at every person who walked by. They're wearing weird clothes. They look weird as well, but their aura tells me that they're human. You thought as you continued walking down the streets. You take a quick look at every store that you walk past, admiring the weird clothes, electronic devices that you thought were magic and ice-cream.

You wanted to try ice-cream. You walked up to the ice-cream truck, and pulled out your purse that was filled with coins from the Taisho-period. "Can I get (favourite flavour), please?" You asked, slapping the coins on the counter.

"I'm sorry miss, but this is Japan." The woman kindly said. "These coins aren't the same currency as us."

Huh? You questioned, blinking twice.

"Wait a second...! These coins! They're about three thousand years old!" The woman exclaimed. "You know what? Here. Here's your (favourite flavour) ice cream. Thank you for these coins!"

That woman wanted to donate these to the museum, and hopefully get a large sum of money. Your head was blank, and you just nodded, taking a bite out of your ice-cream. Weird. You thought as you continued walking down the street.

Walking and walking, you didn't realise you were suddenly at the entrance of a huge building that said 'H'. That's what it looked like, at least. At the front entrance, you saw the letters 'U.A.'. Unicorn Animals? You asked yourself. They have legit Unicorns? I'm going in! You thought excitedly, walking inside. Will they have (favourite mythical animal) too?

"Security Level 3 has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion." The speakers above you said.

You were on plain grass as you listened to everyone inside the building evacuate in a not-so-orderly fashion. Right now, you just wanted to ask someone where the heck you are and you wanted to go back home. You were quite disappointed that you didn't find any unicorns in the building.

"Ah! Sleep-deprived man over there!" You waved hello. "Can you kindly tell me where am I?"

He didn't answer you, but you were wrapped in some kind of rope. Toilet-paper, even. "I'm only asking directions! What's up with all of you with weird clothes?"

You huffed as you had trouble getting your sword. Instead, you used the toilet paper wrapped around you, and used your breath on that. "Breath of Sakura, Eleventh Form Modified; Guarding Petals!"

You twist your body and do a quick twirl while swinging the toilet-paper, unwrapping yourself as well as wrapping the sleep-deprived man up. All the forms of Sakura are so beautiful and breathtaking, which throws the opponent off most of the time. You were surrounded by tons of people with weird clothes and hair-styles.

"This girl...!" The sleep deprived man breathed. "She doesn't have a quirk."

"Wait what? What's a quirk?" You asked.

"A supernatural ability." A woman who goes by the name of Midnight explained, ripping a part of her costume. "We all have one."

That means I belong to them? You asked yourself. "What's this smell?" You muttered, immediately putting your hand over your nose, feeling drowsy. "Breath of Rain, First Form, Rainbow Refraction!"

The basic slash attack. This attack can range from a small arc to a complete circle around you. It's powerful, so it pushed the smell away, and you could finally breathe without being all drowsy. "What do you guys want? I just want to go home!" You cry out, pointing your sword at them.

"I want you to come with us and go under some police interrogation." Midnight requested. "Do it so nobody here gets hurt."

"Okay." You nodded, walking with the weird-looking people into a white room with a white table with black chairs.


"Ah. (Your name) has gone missing?" Oyakata-sama asked the hashiras who didn't say anything. They finished the trial with Kamado Tanjiro. The hashiras were all quiet. Muichiro wasn't there to begin with, he is an exception, afterall, he's 14 so he's back in his estate. Crying, most likely.

"I'm sure her missing has gotten quite a toll on all of you," Oyakata-sama smiled sadly, "but I can assure you, that (Your name) isn't dead."

That caught all the hashira's attention. "Nobody saw her get eaten, no? Her crow, Hiromi, saw her go missing. She fell into a black abyss. We don't know where she is now, but it's most likely that Muzan is targeting her.

"After all, she's the first human here with a supernatural ability."


Time Skip!

"Okay. So. I'm officially a student here, even though I did not go through the entrance exam and somebody recommended me?" You confirmed. You were going to be turning fourteen/fifteen/sixteen. "And there's something called quirks here. And Class 1-A is in the USJ, doing rescue training?"

Nezu, the principal nodded. You didn't know if he was a mouse or a bear. He was short. You didn't add the fact you had a 'quirk'. Oyakata-sama asked you to keep it secret to everyone. The teachers know what kind of situation you were in; someone from the past has come to the future. Aizawa, the person who wrapped you up in toilet paper went away the second you got caught.

You caught All Might in his skinny form, and he was a bit embarrassed of himself for introducing someone new in a form like that.

"WE ARE NEEDED OF BACK-UPS!" A boy with rectangular glasses barged into the principal's office. "Villain attack! USJ! Everyone's in danger!"

You were dragged along on the mission.


🦋 Taisho Secrets! 🦋

- Obanai Iguro only likes you because Kaburamaru accepts you. 

- Mitsuri was really looking forward to having sakura mochi with you.

- Muichiro wanted to train with you after the hashira meeting and eat simmered radish. 

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