🌸 Festival Cats 🌸

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Let's say, you arrived at the Butterfly Estate, but nobody was home. Not even Naho, Sumi or Kiyo. It was almost like the estate was deserted, but you could see the mess in the estate. There were clothes everywhere, and when the author says everywhere, it's everywhere. You could find yukatas in the toilet, on the roof, in the kitchen-- you name it.

It looks like Shinobu and Kanao and the rest of the people were trying to find the right clothes to wear for the festival tonight. Come to think of it, you're not wearing a yukata or anything. You mentally took note to apologise to Shinobu twice because you're about to steal one of the kimonos on the floor.

And kimonos are expensive.

After that, you made your way to the festival and started to find your friends. With help, of course. You found Shinsou smuggling two cats, and since you and Shinsou are classmates, you figured it was fine to stir up a conversation with him.

"Hey, Shinsou!" You smiled brightly as you made your way to the purple-headed boy. "What are you doing?"

"Do I know you?" He asked. You felt offended that you knew him but he didn't know you.

"Ah, that girl." Shinsou muttered as he remembered you. "These cats, I found them on the streets. They're hurt. I figured I'd smuggle a few into my house, but my house is literally full of kittens." Shinsou explained as he turned towards you, hugging two with struggle. Those two cats had beautiful orange fur, and they all had beautiful emerald eyes. You figured they were siblings.

"Hm," you tapped your chin as you offered to help carry one. Shinsou looked grateful as one sniffed your clothes and made their way to you. "I can take some of them to my house, if you want."

"Really?" Shinsou asked. You could tell his eyes literally lightened up. "I don't want to bother you--"

"No, it's fine!" You laughed as the cats kissed your face. "They're cuties. Besides, my estate is huge! I'll invite you over some time." You grinned. Shinsou smiled back.

"But first, I have a huge urge to go to the bathroom. Here's my address," you quickly scribbled down your address and phone number on a piece of paper and handed it over to the boy. "Oh, and, if you ever find Shinobu or Mitsuri, call me!"

Shinsou looked confused. He didn't know who Shinobu or Mitsuri was. You let the small cat from your arms back into Shinsou's arms, and ran to the public bathroom.

And guess what?

You got lost trying to find your way to the public bathrooms, and somehow ended up on a small cliff with a wonderful view of the festival. The lights shone brightly, making the view more beautiful than ever. "Curse my sense of direction." You muttered. "I wonder if I bang my head on a tree again, will my sense of direction come back?" You let your feet sink into the grass, just admiring the view before you.

That was when you felt a presence, a presence of a demon. Not just any demon, an upper moon. You reached for your sword, but you felt nothing. You left your sword at your estate, and you haven't touched it since last week. You groaned quietly as you felt the demon creep closer and closer towards you. Ah, you thought with a small grin on your face. Upper Moon 3, he doesn't fight women. At least, that was what Rengoku told me. Besides, what is he doing here?

"Don't worry, I don't have my sword here." You declared to no one.

"That's... bad." Akaza was right behind you. You swiftly turned around to face the demon with clear confusion on your face. "Muzan-sama wants you, doesn't he?"

"Oh. Right." You muttered as you social-distanced away from Akaza. "Then I'm very vulnerable and I suddenly don't want to be here."

"You look familiar," Akaza mumbled as he stared into your eyes, completely ignoring your last sentence. "It's unpleasant, the feeling. Do I know you?"

"I'm afraid this is the first time we met, Upper Moon 3." You chuckled. "Come on, let's talk." Akaza shot you a confused look, and he wasn't sure what you were doing. Akaza is here to literally 'kidnap' you.

"Is that a good idea?" Akaza asked. "Even if I don't kill women, I still have a mission to take you back to him."

"It's not a good idea, I'm just in the mood to talk." You smiled as you knelt down on the grass. "Besides, you said I looked familiar. Do you have memory loss or something?"

Akaza took his time to think, and sat down on the grass, too. "I actually... I don't remember anything when I was human. All I know is I want to become stronger, and I hate weak people. I just thought your eyes look familiar."

"Hm." You sighed softly as the clock slowly made it's way to 12 a.m.. "The fireworks are coming soon."

"Ah," Akaza breathed as he watched the scene unfold before him. Thousands of colours lit the sky like there were no tomorrow. It was a breathtaking view. "Flower-shaped pupils. Yeah, I think I met someone before you with those pupils. She didn't have any powers, though, I'm pretty sure she was important." You didn't look at Akaza, infact, you didn't even hear him. The fireworks were loud and you just admired the view before you.

When the fireworks finished, you turned around to continue talking to the demon, but to your surprise, he wasn't there anymore. You sighed, then smiled. You stood up and went your way back down and to the festival, with hopes to find Shinobu.

You did not expect Midoriya and his friends at the festival. They didn't invite you to come with them, which made you a little offended.

"(Your name)!" Midoriya chuckled nervously. "We didn't know you'd be here..." All the other people in the class chuckled nervously and hid behind Midoriya. They're definitely acting a little suspicious.

"You have exactly thirty seconds to explain yourselves." You say with your arms crossed, lifting an eyebrow.

"Huh? Why?" Midoriya asked, tilting his head.

"Because that's exactly how much time I have until the police arrest me." You say, pointing at the policemen running from behind, holding up wanted posters of you. 


🦋 Modern Secrets! 🦋

- Let's pretend your birthday is during the training camp, and if it isn't, deal with it.

- Aizawa is somewhere in the festival, in his sleeping bag.

- My writing skills ain't great, so I get if you don't understand the akaza part, he regained his memories :)

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