12: Contagious Laughter

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Wayne Manor, March 31, 11:13 EST

Wally was the first one up. He had raced to get ready for the next mission, desperate to find his new friend. The little kid didn't deserve whatever was happening to him. The more he thought of it, the angrier he got. Who would want to kidnap a thirteen year old kid? Who would get pleasure out of it? They had no clue who had taken the young boy, and no clue where to start. And all on top of that, none of the villains from the jail break had shown their faces. Most of the time they would have caught at least half of the criminals.

Wally went to the dining room, and pulled out his laptop. He pulled up a database Robin had set up on his computer that had all of the criminals that were currently being held in Blackgate and in Arkham Asylum. They had finally gotten their shit together and found out the criminals and psychotics that had escaped. Bane, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, Mad Hatter, Deathstroke, Clay Face, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, the Dollmaker, 37 low life criminals not worth a mention, a few gang members, and The Joker.

The young speedster shuddered when he had first learned who had been set free. Sure Central City had its fair share of bad guys, and most of them were metahumans, but none of them were half as bad as those who were freed from Arkham or Blackgate. If just one of them had escaped it wouldn't be as bad, but with all of these horrible people out and free to do whatever they wanted, Wally was scared for whatever could be happening to the poor kid.

Wally typed away on his laptop, searching for anything that could lead them to the whereabouts of their friend. There was nothing on any news site, nor anything on anyone's blogs. The ginger silently wished there was someone in Gotham who blogged about this kind of stuff like his Aunt Iris did before she learned who the Flash was. That would make this so much easier. Although he would be concerned for whoever wrote a blog about Gotham's worst villains.

News websites were a bust, the police station had no clue about what was going on, and unfortunately there were no unanimous blogs. Wally wanted to scream in frustration. What could they do? He had already searched the entire city for his friend. They had no leads, and absolutely no clue on how to find him. He banged his fist on the table and laid his head in his arms in front of him. He heard noise come from behind him, but he didn't care. He kept his head in his arms and waited.

There was a chime on the computer. His head came up as quick as it possibly could. He read the notification and quickly woke the rest of the team up. By yelling. Very loudly. Batman was already down there and he quickly read the notification. His eyes shone with a combination of hope and concern. There was a stampede of footsteps running down the steps and they all crowded around Wally's computer. The message read:

If you want information on the missing Wayne boy, meet on dock #3 at 12pm. Don't be late.

Wally checked the clock. 11:30. They had only thirty minutes to get across the city. Thankfully they were all suited up. The team quickly went to their bio-ship, and Batman got in the Bat-Jet. As fast as they could they made their way to the docs. The energy radiating off of all the teens was fear and anxiousness. What would they find at the docks? Will they finally be able to bring the thirteen year old acrobat home?

They made it at 11:51, and waited anxiously for any news on their friend. The more anxious they became, the slower time seemed to go by. The seconds seemed to drag on for hours, and they were jittery from anticipation. Artemis kept giving Kid Flash nervous glances. He tried to give her a confident smile because 'we'll see him again', but it didn't get displayed as confidently as he would have wanted. Miss Martian had her eyes closed as she sat on the docks, scanning for any presence. Other than the team of heroes and the mentor, all of the docks were empty.

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