Part 22: Empty promises

Start from the beginning

Michael's point of view

What the hell is wrong with me? Really, Mike? You almost told her you love her! God... I hope she didn't notice. What is she going to think about me? She just burried her father, she'll think I say that by pity, or something... I'm so stupid, sometimes. Umm... Wait. Am I really in love with her? I guess so, but... What if she isn't?

There is something weird here. She doesn't kiss me the way she uses to. This one kiss seems soft, but she puts a lot of passion in it anyway. How does she do that? It feels so freaking perfect. 
When I pulled away from the kiss, I saw sparkles in her eyes. This is the first time I notice that. Maybe it is because of the tears. She weakly smiled to me, and went upstairs to meet her friend Anna. 

June's point of view

I'm all over the place right now. He loves me. He said it! Do I love him back? Of course I do. We should have a talk about this later tonight, when we'll be at my place. I really want to hear him saying those words to me. I really do. 

When I came in my bedroom, Anna was sitting on the bed, her arms folded on her chest. She seems mad... 

"I thought we were friends, June. I thought I was your best friend. Michael replaced me in this role, uh? He is your best friend now? I don't see him anywhere here... But I am here" she said, visibly hurt.

"Anna, lemme explain... It's a long story, I've been busy for the past few weeks, like I said."

"Go ahead"

"First, I want to say that I missed you, and I wanna thank you for being here. For being supportive." I marked a pause as she nodded. "Second, I wasn't in Brooklyn for five days. I was at Neverland with Michael, because he invited me there when he came back from his US tour."

"Wait... What? You went to Neverland with MJ and you didn't even tell me? What kind of fr-..."

"Stop it, please"  I cut her off. "I feel guilty enough. You can't yell at me, not today. I'm not in the mood..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry..." she said, hugging me tightly. "I missed you, that's all."

"It's ok." I said, breaking the hug. "Anyway. It been four days i'm home, but I didn't had the time to call you, after everthing that has been going on with my father..."

"Yeah, I understand. I'm so sorry... I'm an evil bitch sometimes." she marked a pause and looked at me. "So, where did your boyfriend and you meet?"


Damn, those things are so freaking hard to say. I'm afraid she'll freak out because you know, Michael is her soulmate, as she calls him.

"How old is he, by the way? He seems much older than you, and he looks like a cowboy."

I smiled at her. "It's kind of complicated to say that, so I'm going to bring him up here, and we'll explain to you together"

She nodded, confused, and I came back downstairs. I made my way to Michael, who was speaking with my mom. 

"Um, excuse me mom, can I have Michael a few minutes please?"

"Sure honey"

I took Michael's hand, and made our way back to my bedroom. Before coming into the room, I explained to Michael what he'll have to do. 

"So... Michael meet Anna, Anna meet Michael" I said, to introduce them to each other.

"Ahah, so his name's also Michael, uh? So much Michaels in this world..."

"Um yeah. About that..." Michael declared. He began to take off his sunglasses, then his wig, and then after his mustach. When Anna finally recognized him, her eyes widened, and her mouth almost touched the floor. 

"WHAT THE FUCK, JUNE!" she yelled, standing up from the bed. "How? When? Why?" she asked.

"Keep calm! We're going to explain everything to you, but first you got to promise me you'll keep your mouth shut about this, ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. I need explanations!" she declared, sitting back on my bed. 

Michael in a chair in front of her, and motionned me to come and sit on his lap. He put his hands on my thigh, which cost us a confused look by Anna. First, I began to explain how I get in Neverland, and what we done when we were there. It was a lot of fun: we had water balloon fight, we watched films in the movie theater, we rode all the rides in Nerverland... It was magic. Then, I explained everything which happened here, in Brooklyn. When I explained the part where my father was telling me to tell Michael how I feel, I felt a lump created in my throat. I owe him my future happiness with Michael. I owe him everything. 

"So, you two are a thing now, right?" she said, still confused. 

"Are you deaf now?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. 

"No, but you can kiss and everything without being a real couple, you know"

I looked down at Michael, and he birghtly smiled to me. He looked deep in my eyes, and I could see this sparkles he has in his eyes when he looks at me. That's so beautiful. 

"We are a real couple", said Michael, not breaking eye-contact with me.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pecked his lips. 


"What?" I asked my friend who still seemed pretty confused.

"I'm happy for you both, really", she said, standing up from the bed. "Ok, so I gotta go now, I have plenty of stuff to do. Call me anytime, June. Love ya" 

"Ok, um... See you, love ya too"

And she left my bedroom. She seemed frustrated. I never saw her this way. She claims to be happy for the both of us, but it's like something's bothering her, but I can't find out what. 
When Anna left, Michael and I stayed here a few minutes, looking in each other's eyes. 

"You know, when my dad first met you, he said something to me in the kitchen, and I can't get those words out of my head" I confessed.

"What did he say?" asked Michael, caressing my knee with his right hand. 

"He said that you sure don't have the easiest life, but that you'll make me happy anyway: as my friend, or as my lover... He liked you."

I noticed Michael's cheeks were becoming red. "Well, your father was right about this. I'll do anything to make you happy. You deserve happiness"

"And I'll try to make you happy too. I-I'm in love with you, Michael." I whispered, my forehead resting on his.

"And I'm in love with you" Michael confessed before he gave me a passionate kiss. I know he was smiling while he was kissing me, I could feel it. 

I hope you saw that from heaven, dad... 

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