Part 34: Pretending

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Who's calling me this late at night? I took a quick look at my phone, and saw that the call was from an anonymous number. I didn't pick up, and told myself that the person will call again if it's really important. I put my phone back on the nightstand and took a quick look at Michael who was now fast asleep. My poor baby is exhausted. I'm glad to see he's sleeping peacefully. It's rare for him to sleep well because of his insomnia. A few minutes later, my phone rang again, I put my nightdress back on, and headed the living room. I don't want to wake Michael up, he needs this rest. 

"Hello?" I said in a low voice. 

"Oh June, hey!" A masculine voice said.

"Um, who is this?" I asked.

"It's me, Matt!" He said. "From the association!"

"Oh, hey Matt! How are you doing?"

Matt is a volunteer just like me. We help people with supraventricular tachycardia, we try to make them feel better. We also raise funds to help the research to find a treatement for this fatal disease. Matt's mom died from this disease, just as Julian did. 

"Well! We miss you here at the association... Where are you?" he asked me. 

"Oh um, I'm in Paris right now. Maria didn't tell you about this?"

Maria is the founder of this association. She's such a great woman, she has an enormous heart. 

"You're in Paris, really? You finally did it! I'm so happy for you, June!"

"Thank you Matt" I said, smiling. 

"I was wondering if we could hang out when you come back? You know, to catch up."

"I don't know when I come back exactly, but yeah, sure." 

"Great! Let me know when you're here."

"I will, see you, Matt" 

"Bye June, can't wait to see you again." He said. I know he was smiling through the phone. 

I hung up. It was nice talking to him! I really consider him as a friend. We talked a lot when his mom passed away a year ago. He's such a good guy, he cares a lot about people. 

"Hey babe" I heard Michael said behind me. "Who were you speaking to?"

"Oh um, a friend from the association called me to check up on me. He didn't know I was in Paris"

"He?" Michael asked, frowning. 

"Yeah, his name's Matt. His mom died from the same disease as Julian, that's why he's a volunteer at the association."

"You guys kind of have been through the same things. You must be close." He said, looking at the floor. 

"Yeah, we used to talk a lot when his mom passed away. It's good to know I can speak to someone who understand what I've been through." I said, walking closer to him. 

"You know you can talk to me about this, I'll listen" he said, visibly hurt. 

"Mikey, I know that. You're the first person I'll confess to." I took his hand. "Come on, let's go back to bed" 

He picked me up, and took me bridal style to the bed. He carefully put me on the bed, and then laid down next to me. I put my head on his chest, and rubbed his stomach with my right hand. Michael fell asleep a few minutes later. It was harder for me to sleep. I think a lot these days. About my relationship, about Anna, about my dad and Julian, about my mom, and now about Matt. Why am I thinking about him? I shouldn't. I feel guilty about this, now. I mean, I know he is my friend and all, but I had kind of a crush on him before I met Michael. I don't know what I'll feel when I'll meet him again. One thing I know for sure is that I'm in love with Michael, and this won't change. Right?

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