Part 67: Without You

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Brooklyn, New York, 11/7/1987, 6:30PM

Michael's point of view

Well, today has been great. I've spent the entire day with June, and we did a lot of things. With my disguise on, of course, we ate in a little Italian restaurant in New York City, and we spent the entire day there. We did a little shopping, ate ice creams... Random stuff, but I had a great day. We stopped at the Disney store, and I found myself a Peter Pan mug. I've been looking for something like this for years, and I finally found it. Yeah, I know it looks childish to be looking for such things, but I love Disney movies, and I love Peter Pan. Peter Pan is me, you know. I don't want to grow up, and considering the fact I didn't have a proper chilhood, I guess I'm living it as an adult. June saw how excited I was in that store, and even if I told her I needed nothing, she bought me a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. I love it, but I really didn't want her to buy me anything. I mean, not to sound arrogant or anything, but I have plenty of money, so she didn't need to buy me anything. I tried hard to protest, but being as stubborn as she is, she didn't listen to me, and she bought it anyway. I love that t-shirt, and I'll think about her eveytime I'll wear it. She said she bought it to me because she wanted me to think about her while on tour, but I won't need it to think about her. I know she'll be on my mind the entire time. Anyways. After Disney Store, we went to several clothing shops, including Victoria's Secret. Lord, I was embarassed to be there. I couldn't stop imagining June in each and everyone of those things. She chose two different bras and matching panties, and asked me which one I prefered: the first one was a black layered in lace with an edgy faux-leather trim bra, and the other one was exactly the same but with some red in it. Of course, even if I was pretty embarassed about it, I chose the the second one, as red is my favorite color. I guess June saw my embarassement at this point, because she told me I could wait outside the shop if I wanted, and I gladly did. The thought of June in one of those garter belts was driving me crazy. She left the shop a couple of minutes later, and we continued our shopping. After tons of clothing shop, we finished by going in a music store, and as soon as we enterred the room, Bad filled our ears. June smiled at me, and hummed along with the music, just as I did. I took a quick look at the records in front of me, and noticed that Bad was already out of stock. I felt a huge feeling of accomplishement in me at that moment. Just next to my "section" if I can say, there was some Prince's new album, 'Sign "☮" The Times'. I took a quick glance at it, and decided to buy it. Curiosity only.

Anyways! We're back at June's place now. This has been a great day. June and I had loads of fun, we laughed and joked around. That's why I love her. I swear she's so fun. She loves to tease me, and she knows how much I love to be teased. Even though she was all smiling and laughing, I could tell she was worried about her mom because she kept looking at her phone. She only had a text from Michelle yesterday, in which she said that she landed in D.C and that everything was fine. She told her she'll call her today, and she's still waiting.

June's point of view

I've spent an amazing day with Michael. I like those times with him. It's rare he has nothing to work on, so I really enjoyed this day. It was fun to see how Michael was embarassed when we were in the Victoria's Secret shop. My poor baby was so uncomfortable that I had to tell him he could wait for me outside the store. While Michael was outside, I tried to call Jeremy, but I was directed straight to his voicemail. I kept looking at my phone for any sign of life from my friend, but still nothing. I'm sure Michael noticed it, but he must think I am waiting some news from my mom, which I am too, but I know she's probably fine. Not that I don't care about her, but she's a grown up and she's determined to accomplish her job, so I don't worry about her.

As we were home, Michael asked me if I needed help to cook dinner, which I accepted. Every occasion I have to do something with Michael, I take it. As Michael doesn't eat red meat, I decided to do something that my father taught me to cook: Cajun Chicken Pasta. It's quite a spicy meal, but as I know Michael likes spicy food, I know he would like it. As I was washing my hands, Michael came next to me to wash his too.

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