Part 65: Love the Way You Lie

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The Cutting Room Studio, Manhattan, New York, 11/6/1987

June's point of view

As soon as Jer had to go back to the hospital, I decided not to go home already, and to stop by Starbucks to have Michael and Quincy some hot chocolate and cookies. It's pretty cold outside, and I guess some hot chocolate could be really appreciated. Am I doing this to feel less guilty about lying to Michael? Probably. I really feel bad about it, but I do it for him. I don't want him to worry about this situation again. I think he finally moved on about this, and I don't want to remind him any of this. He doesn't need that, he needs to be focsued on his career, not on the problems I caused him in the past. I really want him to feel good. And he has been feeling good for the past few days, and I want this to continue. That's the only thing I'm asking for. I'm just still wondering how I am going to tell him about Jer. I know he gets really jealous when it comes to me speaking with some other men, and I know he doesn't like when we hide things from him, and I've been hiding Jer since I saw him at the hospital yesterday. I could have told him yesterday, just when my mom left, but we kind of had something else on our minds, if you see what I mean... Anyways. I really should tell him about Jer, but I really shouldn't tell him about Anna. She's my problem, not his. I can handle this bitch alone, and I will.

As I parked in front of the studio, I took the three hot chocolates and cookies from the passenger's seat next to me, and headed the studio before locking my car. When I came in, the woman behind the counter gave me a warm smile, and indicated me that Michael and Quincy were in studio B this time, because studio A was already taken. I nodded and thanked her, and then made my way to the studio. I knocked at the door, and fastly, Quincy opened it with a light smile on his face.

“Isn't it Michael's lovely girl? What are you doing here?” he asked me, giving me a quick friendly hug, which surprised me a bit, but I hugged him back though.

“Hey, Quincy,” I smiled, and enterred the studio. “I thought you guys would appreciate some hot chocolates and cookies,” I shrugged, putting the beverages and cookies on the table. “It's freezing outside!”

“How sweet,” Quincy cooed with a smile.

“Where's Michael?” I asked, after scanning the room to find him.

“He should be here soon, he's on the phone with some potential director for his movie,” Quincy said, smiling.

“That's great! He really wants to do this movie,” I admitted, thinking about how excited Michael gets when he talks about it.

“Tell me about it,” Quincy snorted.

“What were you guys doing?” I asked to break the awkward silence.

“Mostly recording demos, you know. Your man never ceases to amaze me, you know,” Quincy said, slightly shaking his head. “I remember when I met him, he was this shy little kid with a huge talent, and now, twenty years later, he's this – still shy– worldwilde superstar with an even bigger talent, and I'm still by his side. That make me proud, you know.”

“You're one of the reason of his succes, you can be proud,” I sincerely said with a smile.

“Don't be silly, he would have been the same successful artist without me. He was born to be a shinning star,” Quincy declared, looking at me.

“You can say whatever you want, Mr. Jones, but I won't stop believing you're a part of his success,” I winked at him, which made him slightly laugh.

“Quincy! Quincy!” I heard Michael call from behind me. I turned around to see him, and when he saw me, the smile he had already on his face got even bigger. “Great you're here too!” he joyfully said. “Guess what!?” Quincy and I looked at each other and shrugged at Michael, while we had an idea of what was the good news about. “The producer who called me wants to produce my movie! He wants to do it!” he practically yelled, jumping up and down with excitement.

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