V.0 CH.1: Prologue

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Blake Belladonna sits on a rock outcrop watching red leaves drift down in the Forest.

Adam Taurus walks up to her with F/n walking aside him

Adam: Blake, it's time.

She slowly turns toward him.

Blake: Okay.

She then looks at F/n, who just gives her a simple nod.

*Mini Timeskip*

The trio run through the forest until they reach a cliff, at the bottom of the cliff a train can be seen rushing through the forest along some tracks.

They slide down the hill and jump onto the top of the train, digging their weapons into the roof as they land. Upon boarding it the two jump onto another car, Adam slashes at a hatch before lifting it as they enter a car full of AK-130 Androids.

Adam: Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way.

The Androids activate and circle the duo.

Blake: Don't be so dramatic.

An Android activates the guns on its arms.

Android: Intruder, identify yourself.

Adam responds by firing his sword, dashing behind to shoot it's head off then cutting the Android in two. The rest deploy blades and he and Blake proceed to completely annihilate the Androids in the car, while F/n starts shooting at heads of the androids that were still left. Eventually, Adam kicks one and they burst out of the freight car onto a flatcar and encounter a horde of Androids running towards them.

Adam: Let's do this.

They decimate the horde and enter into a second freight car.

Adam opens a box and examines the contents inside.

Adam: Perfect. Move up to the next car.

He closes the trunk.

Adam: I'll set the charges.

Blake: What about the crew members?

Adam: What about them?

Adam turns his head around and sees a Spider Droid climbing down from the ceiling of the car. Adam moves to fight it.

Blake:*anxiously* Adam.

Adam and Blake try to fight it, but it doesn't go so well. Blake then gets knocked into the ground, giving the droid a chance to crush her, but F/n grabs Blake before she is about to be crushed by the droid's legs.

Blake: We need to get out of here.

Eventually it fires a shot and knocks them back as the fight moves out of the car onto another flatcar.

Adam: Buy me some time!

Blake: Are you sure?

Adam: Do it!

Blake and F/n distract the droid while Adam readies his next attack. As they jump back to Adam some time later...

Adam: Move!

The droid fires a powerful beam. Adam catches the beam with Wilt. As his body starts to glow, the droid jumps toward him. Adam chuckles then slashes out with his sword, disintegrating the droid and even affecting the trees in the Red Forest causing their leaves to fly into the air.

As Adam walks back towards Blake, he finds her on a separate train car standing near the coupler between the cars. She severes the coupler, as F/n was readying to do something.

Blake: Goodbye.

Adam: F/n! Dont let her escape!

He turns towards F/n to be met with the leg of F/n to his face, knocking him down. Adam gets straight back up to fight F/n, but he see F/n do a leap of faith towards Blake. Realizing he's not going to make it, Blake uses Gambol Shroud, in its Kusarigama form, to catch F/n, pulling him to her side. Once he makes it to the Blake's side they soon see Adam do his own jump towards them. Seeing this F/n, starts shooting Adam, with Adam in midair. Since Adam couldn't dodge midair, almost every bullet shot at him was a guarantee hit, making Adam retreat. Blake and F/n both watch Adam holding some of his wounds, as they start getting farther, farther, and farther away.

F/n: So this is where our new start of life begins?

To Be Continued...

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