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(Note: Oof, I'm absolute crap at following schedules. Happy Thanksgiving, I have to say that I'm most thankful for those who just decided to read my story. It's currently a mess right now, there are some things that I would go back and change if I had the chance. But I'm happy with how it is right now. Despite the constant times that I've missed an upload. I do heavily appreciate all the comments and votes/kudos. It's still my first time writing fanfiction, I only have some kind of an idea of what I'm doing. I'm just winging everything in life right now. Finally decided what I wanna do and study later in life. If anyone wants to know, I want to become a fashion historian. Although, my friends are telling me that I should be a writer so that might change. I'm rambling now. The point is writing this story has done a lot for me. So thank you again and enjoy the chapter. (This chapter was edited(12/24/20))

Missouri appeared in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Missouri was 8 at the time, in modern-day she is 14. Missouri is the 24th state. 

Before America (1735-1802), Missouri lived in France. Like many of her more younger siblings, Missouri spent most of her time before America learning. When they came to America's doorstep, Missouri was pretty interested in America. She was one of the first states to warm up to him. 

Missouri's name is Célia Jones. Her nicknames are Miss Célia and Cél.

 Missouri has dirty blonde hair with ice blue eyes with amber specks. She usually wears her hair in twin braids. If it's not in that style, she wears it in a loose bun with a headband. Her skin is a light tan that usually darkens during the summer. 

Missouri is a kind soul. She's a pretty chill person and easy to get along with. It's just that she's a little too nice. Like a very extroverted type of kind or that one person that smiles so much to the point that you think they murdered someone. It's between the line of being extroverted and you really need to shut up. 

As I said before, Missouri is a friendly state. If it's not Virginia or Delaware reminding America to take care of himself, it's Missouri. 

She helps out wherever she can. Normally, she's the one going to the store and restocking the fridge. 

Missouri has 114 mini boats. It's like a collection. Anyways, these represent her counties. I went from plush ponies to mini boats, I think that's an improvement. 

Fun fact, the only time Missouri cursed was after the Gateway Arch was built. It was when New York asked what it meant that Missouri said 'growth bitch!'

Missouri despises anything to do with the Civil War. She doesn't like the Wilson's Creek National Battlefield at all. 

Surprisingly, she doesn't mind the National World War I Museum and Memorial. The only state that hasn't visited the museum is Hawaii. Missouri has heard stories from Louisiana. Even though it's an entirely different war, Missouri doesn't want to risk getting her arm bitten away. 

Missouri's favorite poet is Maya Angelou. Mostly because the woman was born in her state. But she does like poetry, ignoring the fact that she doesn't understand most of it until it hits her like a brick while she's trying to sleep. 

Missouri has a secret competition with multiple states on who is the 'friendliest state'.   (Oh my god, I looked it up to fact check since it said Tennessee before. And oof, Missouri isn't even on top ten with a lot of the lists. It says Minnesota is the friendliest state but I found another site that said that they are third for the rudest state. New Jersey was second and New York was first. I don't know what to say anymore. Although, I do find it very cute that Hawaii overall is the happiest and most loved state. Another edit, I came back after seeing another site. Apparently, Missouri ties with Tennessee for the most neighborly state. Both titles are pretty close in meaning. But neighborly is different from friendly.) 

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