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(Note - Another chapter, yay! Anywho I only own my states that's it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please tell me if I get anything wrong. I didn't want to make Maryland a girl because that is too easy but you probably knew he wasn't a girl because I have already mentioned him. -This was edited (7/21/2021-))

 Maryland appeared in 1634. He was found in a tree outside. He was 6 when he was found. He is 16 in modern-day. He is the 7th oldest by the state and the 4th oldest by colony age. Maryland likes to hold over Virginia the fact that he is older by state age. Maryland has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. His hair is wavy and he usually wears it in a short cut that stops at his ears. His name is Adrian Jones. His nickname is Mary. Maryland is sometimes called Henrietta or Maria because his state was named after Queen Henrietta Maria.

Maryland has 24 different rings, they all have a star on them somewhere. These represent his counties. Since the national anthem was written by someone from Maryland, he can sing the anthem better than any of the other states. Maryland can recite 'The Raven' off the top of his head. Maryland likes sailing, his fellow states call him a mini pirate England. Maryland is often teased about the number of people who expect him to be a girl.

Maryland is a sweetie pie with a bit of salt.

Maryland is on the border of being a southern state. While he keeps a northern accent, don't ask me what that sounds like I really don't know, his southern accent slips out a bit. He tends to call people hon when that happens.

Maryland likes crab cakes. He often makes some to share with Massachusetts.

There has to be Old Bay seasoning in the house or he will commit 1st degree murder.

Speaking of murder, Maryland will not hesitate to run you over if you piss him off on the roads. He tends to have a bad case of road rage while behind the wheel.

Indiana and Maryland have fights over the Baltimore Colts. It's mostly during sports season though. The other states try to keep them away from each other as much as possible. Who knew such calm states would turn into little demons over a sports team.

Maryland prefers square pizza. Square pizza just hits different.

Maryland is not afraid to beat someone's ass at lacrosse.

He hunts Pennsylvania down for her Utz chips.

Virginia once managed to piss off Maryland, got attacked by a jousting lance.

Maryland is very proud of his flag, maybe a bit too proud.

Baltimore is the heroin capital of America. What does that say about Maryland? Nothing you can prove.

Maryland enjoys gardening a lot, it calms him down and makes him happy.

When he and Virginia were given D.C by America, he started calling Virginia his wife. Virginia would ignore Maryland for long periods of time after that. Eventually, Virginia came around and started calling Maryland his husband. While they still view each other as siblings, that doesn't stop Maryland from insisting they sleep in the same bed. Don't be tricked by how much Maryland comes off as the dominant in the relationship, he's the more laid back and childish one. Virginia is a bit controlling. Maryland regularly abuses the soft spot he knows Virginia has for him. He loves getting pampered by Virginia.

Maryland loves little kids and babies. He and New Jersey often gush over them. Maryland is often referred to as a stay at home dad since he usually has D.C strapped on his chest.  

 Maryland developed depression after Virginia joined the Confederates. During the civil war, he was mute and was always hesitant about attacking the Confederates. Pennsylvania was always on Maryland for still being loyal to Virginia and still allowing slavery. The Battle of Antietam helped Maryland gain respect and silence from the other states about his state still allowing slavery. Although the bullying increased after the battle of Gettysburg. Delaware was one of the states that frequently stood up to Pennsylvania and comforted Maryland. 

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